All pages
From DFM Wiki
- 4WSFC instructions for presenters
- 4WSFC planning
- 4WSFC roundtables proposal
- A woman in a strange place
- About "Dried Fish Matters"
- About stacked value chains
- All about 'Kapi'
- Amali: Life history of a Maldive fish processor and producer association leader
- Atlas.ti
- Atlas.ti quickstart
- Atlas.ti workshop sample coding
- Bangladesh literature review
- Bangladesh local literature database
- Bangladesh team meeting 2023-12-13
- Bangladesh team meeting 2024-02-06
- Blog feed
- COVID-19 screening questionnaire
- Calendar
- Cambodia scoping interview 03
- Cambodia scoping interview 06
- Characterizing dried fish value chains in Kalutara and Kantale, Sri Lanka
- Chronicling Coastal Lives: An Interview with Vishnu Bhaliya, Boat Owner, Dried Fish Processor and Writer, Jafrabad
- Co-learning
- Coding strategies in Atlas.ti
- Computer-assisted research and the construction of a "dried fish literature"
- Contract timelines
- DFM-DFYWA Working Paper 01
- DFM Andhra Pradesh
- DFM Andhra Pradesh Field Survey on value chains including the retail segment
- DFM Andhra Pradesh Report on the primary data analysis by CESS
- DFM Andhra Pradesh Report on the secondary data analysis
- DFM Andhra Pradesh Report on value chains including the retail segment
- DFM Andhra Pradesh Report or chapter
- DFM Bangladesh
- DFM Bangladesh Scoping research protocol
- DFM Bangladesh illustrated book on dried fish
- DFM Bangladesh key locations report
- DFM Bangladesh literature review
- DFM Bangladesh maps of dried fish value chains sites
- DFM Bangladesh online database of dried fish and fish species
- DFM Bangladesh online database of field records
- DFM Bangladesh plan for pilot interventions
- DFM Bangladesh policy inventory and gap analysis report
- DFM Bangladesh report on food security and nutrition
- DFM Bangladesh scoping report
- DFM Bangladesh thematic codebook
- DFM Calendar
- DFM Cambodia
- DFM Cambodia Scoping
- DFM Cambodia exploratory workshop
- DFM Cambodia literature review
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Challenges facing the processed fish sector in Cambodia
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Conclusions
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Food and nutrition security
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Historical overview
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Introduction
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Policy frameworks
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Socio-economic characteristics of fishers, processors, and traders
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Types of processed fish in Cambodia
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Value chain analysis and market studies on processed fish
- DFM Cambodia literature review. Value chain analysis of fish paste and fermented small fish
- DFM Cambodia literature review: Introduction
- DFM Cambodia scoping report
- DFM Guideline: Copyediting checklist
- DFM Guideline: Ethics handbook
- DFM Guideline: Ethics protocol checklist
- DFM Guideline: Scoping report structure
- DFM Guideline: Scoping research
- DFM Guideline: Visual research
- DFM Guideline: Zotero tags
- DFM Gujarat
- DFM Gujarat Zotero collection
- DFM Gujarat budget and policy documents Zotero collection
- DFM Gujarat field survey compilation
- DFM Gujarat financing survey compilation
- DFM Gujarat literature review
- DFM Gujarat policy review
- DFM Gujarat report on consultative workshop on Dried Fish in Gujarat
- DFM Gujarat report on the rapid survey on dried fish value chains in Gujarat
- DFM Gujarat report on value chain financing of dried fish
- DFM Help: Zotero web library
- DFM Info hub specifications
- DFM Interview guide: fishers
- DFM Interview guide: labourers
- DFM Interview guide: processors
- DFM Interview guide: retailers
- DFM Interview guide: wholesalers
- DFM Karnataka
- DFM Karnataka Ethics protocol supplementary information
- DFM Karnataka Zotero library
- DFM Karnataka compilation of interviews
- DFM Karnataka interview guides
- DFM Karnataka literature review
- DFM Karnataka master's thesis research
- DFM Karnataka production and market survey
- DFM Karnataka published outputs
- DFM Karnataka scoping report
- DFM Karnataka stakeholder workshops
- DFM Karnataka visual documentation
- DFM Kerala
- DFM Kerala 2021 COVID consent appendix
- DFM Kerala 2021 Ethics protocol supplementary information
- DFM Kerala 2021 Household consumption survey
- DFM Kerala 2021 Household consumption survey consent form
- DFM Kerala 2021 Neighbourhood group interview consent form
- DFM Kerala 2021 Neighbourhood group interview questions
- DFM Kerala 2021 Oral history interview consent form
- DFM Kerala 2021 Oral history interview guide
- DFM Kerala interview consent form
- DFM Kerala scoping exploratory study
- DFM MIN 2021-03-16 GIDR check-in
- DFM Memo: Critical inquiry within the DFM project
- DFM Memo: QDA software and support
- DFM Mizoram & Manipur
- DFM Mizoram and Manipur compilation of interviews
- DFM Mizoram and Manipur pilot study
- DFM Mizoram and Manipur production and wholesale survey
- DFM Mizoram and Manipur scoping report
- DFM Mizoram and Manipur visual data report
- DFM Myanmar
- DFM Myanmar MPLSC dataset and preliminary analysis
- DFM Myanmar Online library
- DFM Myanmar consumption survey
- DFM Myanmar literature review
- DFM Newsletter
- DFM Phase-2 Planning Meeting in Pictures
- DFM Reports
- DFM Reports status
- DFM Sri Lanka
- DFM Sri Lanka Development interventions study
- DFM Sri Lanka Key Zone identification study
- DFM Sri Lanka Scoping knowledge mobilization
- DFM Sri Lanka Zotero collection
- DFM Sri Lanka database of anonymized field data
- DFM Sri Lanka fisher and producer focus group reports
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Annexes
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Conclusion and scoping priorities
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Dried fish consumption
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Dried fish production
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Dried fish trade
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - History of the dried fish industry in Sri Lanka
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Introduction
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Nutritional value and quality
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Sources of data
- DFM Sri Lanka literature review - The fisheries sector in Sri Lanka
- DFM Sri Lanka nutrition study
- DFM Sri Lanka online library
- DFM Sri Lanka policy study
- DFM Sri Lanka scoping report
- DFM Sri Lanka thematic codebook
- DFM Sri Lanka wholesale and retail research report
- DFM Student Group
- DFM Students
- DFM Telangana
- DFM Telangana Scoping study
- DFM Telangana Visual documentation
- DFM Telangana compilation of interviews
- DFM Telangana pilot visits and survey of the dried fish wholesale markets
- DFM Thailand
- DFM Thailand Review of government policies related to dried fish
- DFM Thailand Zotero collection
- DFM Thailand addition of data to DFM internal database
- DFM Thailand literature review
- DFM Thailand policy brief
- DFM Thailand policy documents
- DFM Thailand publication
- DFM Thailand publication in a peer reviewed journal
- DFM Thailand publication on the rapid appraisal findings
- DFM Thailand scoping report
- DFM Thailand stakeholder workshop
- DFM Thailand summary report on dried fish value chain governance
- DFM WG1 Country team priorities
- DFM WG1 Minutes 2022-12-22
- DFM WG1 Minutes 2023-03-29
- DFM WG1 Minutes 2023-04-26
- DFM WG1 Themes and outputs
- DFM WG2 Minutes 2021-01-18
- DFM WG2 Themes
- DFM WG3 Guiding document
- DFM WG3 Minutes 2021-01-14
- DFM West Bengal
- DFM West Bengal Compilation of legal and institutional arrangements and procedures
- DFM West Bengal Mapping of major fishing areas and groups
- DFM West Bengal database
- DFM West Bengal final scoping report
- DFM West Bengal scoping knowledge mobilization
- DFM West Bengal scoping report 01
- DFM West Bengal scoping report 02
- DFM West Bengal scoping report 03
- DFM Working Group 1: Social economy
- DFM Working Group 2: Food and nutrition security
- DFM Working Group 2: Nutrition and health
- DFM Working Papers
- DFM Working papers
- DFM Zotero tags
- DFM meeting Zoom recordings
- DFM minutes GAF8 2022-11-21
- DFM minutes GAF8 2022-11-23
- DFM minutes GAF8 22-11-23
- DFM minutes GAF8 221123
- DFM minutes Gender and social economies of dried fish Meeting 2
- DFM research teams
- DFYWA 2021 Ethics protocol supplementary information
- DFYWA Data sharing
- DFYWA Ethics protocol supplementary information
- DFYWA Fishmeal and dried fish in Andhra Pradesh report
- DFYWA Phase two proposal
- DFYWA Popular summary in Telugu and English
- DFYWA Research plan for the study on fishmeal sector impacts on dried fish value chain actors
- DFYWA Visual documentation
- Dawn to Dusk: A day in the life of a dry fish vendor
- Dried Fish Consumption in Myanmar
- Dried Fish Industry of Malvan
- Dried Fish in West Bengal, India: Scoping report
- Dried fish in Cambodia: Literature review
- Dried fish in Indonesia
- Dried fish in Myanmar
- Dried fish processors of Karnataka
- Dried fish recipes
- Dried fish recipes with coconut milk
- Dried fish stories: Reflections on visualizing social economies of dried fish in the time of COVID
- Dried fish terminology
- Dried fish varieties in Sri Lanka
- E-book
- E-book 2021
- E-book 2022 abstracts summary table
- E-book Co-learning
- E-book Concepts
- E-book Introduction
- E-book Recipes
- E-book Stories
- E-book Synthesis
- E-book Value chains
- E-book abstracts summary table
- E-book annotated outline
- E-book call for contributions
- E-book editorial meeting minutes 2021-09-22
- E-book editorial meeting minutes 2022-03-10
- E-book editorial review
- E-book outline
- Ebook volume 1
- Ethics application and approval records
- Events.json
- Examining value from a socio-cultural perspective
- Exploring fisherwomen's contributions to dried fish value chains within 'fishermen's world'.
- Featured pages
- Fish fermentation in the floodplain - a photo essay
- GAF8 2022-11-21
- Gender and social economies of dried fish
- Gender and social economies of dried fish meeting summaries
- Gender and social economies of dried fish synthesis paper draft key points
- Gender in Aquaculture and Fisheries Conference 2022
- Gender in dried fish social economies
- Geographies of dried fish: Andhra Pradesh
- Geographies of dried fish: Bangladesh
- Geographies of dried fish: Cambodia
- Geographies of dried fish: Gujarat
- Geographies of dried fish: Karnataka
- Geographies of dried fish: Kerala
- Geographies of dried fish: Myanmar
- Geographies of dried fish: Sri Lanka
- Geographies of dried fish: Thailand
- Geographies of dried fish: West Bengal
- Geographies of dried fish template
- Global literature review
- Global literature review - Appendices
- Global literature review - Culture and social relations
- Global literature review - Discussion
- Global literature review - Ecology
- Global literature review - Economy
- Global literature review - Food and nutrition security
- Global literature review - General fisheries sample
- Global literature review - Google Scholar search notes
- Global literature review - Google Scholar search terms
- Global literature review - History and change
- Global literature review - Indonesia pilot tagging
- Global literature review - Introduction
- Global literature review - Methodology
- Global literature review - Policy and governance
- Global literature review - Qualitative section condensed
- Global literature review - Quantitative findings
- Global literature review - Technical
- Global literature review - Value chains, economy, and labour
- Global literature review - Zotero tag groups
- Help desk
- Hypotheses table
- IITK Updated scoping plan
- IMBeR panel
- Institutional Context of Marine Fisheries in Gujarat: A Review
- Institutional Context of Marine Fisheries in Gujarat: A Review - Appendix 1, 2, and Tables
- International observances
- Investigators
- Invoice submission instructions
- Karnataka weights and measures study
- Key locations: Dry Fish processing and trading in Bangladesh
- Kolkata Phase 2 planning meeting, August 17-20, 2023
- Let There Be Bounty Every Day
- List of ethics protocol documents
- Local stories of the global Anthropocene: A one-day “adda” with the dry fishers of the Sundarbans Delta
- MARE2021
- MAREX paper: Comparing economies of dried fish in Asia
- MARE 2021 DFM panel timetable
- MARE Conference 2023
- MARE Roundtable 1 meeting 2021-06-08
- MARE conference 2021
- MEL Andhra Pradesh
- MEL Bangladesh
- MEL Cambodia
- MEL Data
- MEL Gujarat
- MEL Karnataka
- MEL Kerala - Snehakunja
- MEL Mizoram & Manipur
- MEL Myanmar
- MEL Report
- MEL Sri Lanka
- MEL Telangana
- MEL Thailand
- MEL West Bengal
- Maimul: The story of marginality
- Main Page
- Maldive Fish Processing in Southern Sri Lanka
- Maldive and dried fish processing methods in southern Sri Lanka
- Map of Bangladesh
- Mapping, visualizing, and aesthetics
- Mapping prototypes - Cambodia scoping data
- Mapping prototypes - Design criteria
- Mapping prototypes - MediaWiki
- Mapping the Dried Fish Markets of Karnataka
- Maritime Studies special issue
- Monitoring