List of ethics protocol documents

From DFM Wiki

This table provides an incomplete list of documents included within the DFM Scoping Research protocol. All documents listed here have been approved by the University of Manitoba Human Ethics Review Board and may be used as templates for new research protocol elements.

ID Wiki page
003 DFM Sri Lanka oral recruitment script
004 DFM Sri Lanka recruitment text
005 DFM Sri Lanka informed consent form
006 DFM Interview guide: fishers
007 DFM Interview guide: processors
008 DFM Interview guide: wholesalers
009 DFM Interview guide: retailers
010 DFM Interview guide: labourers
011 DFM Sri Lanka oath of confidentiality
012 DFM interview closing script
013 DFM Sri Lanka Ethics protocol supplementary information
014 TCPS2 CORE certificate: Derek Johnson
015 TCPS2 CORE certificate: Dilanthi Koralagama
016 DFM Sri Lanka recruitment card
017 DFM Sri Lanka child assent form
018 Ethics protocol demographic information
019 Ethics protocol mobile consent form screenshot
020 DFM Myanmar ethics protocol team updates 2019-05
021 DFM Myanmar ethics protocol supplementary information
022 DFM Myanmar oral recruitment script
023 DFM Myanmar recruitment text
024 DFM Myanmar general informed consent form
025 DFM Myanmar survey informed consent form
026 DFM Myanmar oath of confidentiality
027 DFM Myanmar recruitment card
028 DFM Myanmar child assent form
029 DFM Myanmar consumption survey
030 TCPS2 CORE certificate: NAG
031 DFM Bangladesh ethics protocol amendment form (2019-05)
032 DFM Bangladesh ethics protocol supplementary information
033 DFM Bangladesh oral recruitment script
034 DFM Bangladesh recruitment text
035 DFM Bangladesh informed consent form
036 DFM Bangladesh oath of confidentiality
037 DFM Bangladesh recruitment card
038 DFM Bangladesh child assent form
039 TCPS2 CORE certificate: Mostafa Hossain
040 TCPS2 CORE certificate: Mirza Taslima
041 DFM Bangladesh closing script
042 Seasonal calendar guidelines
043 Venn diagram guidelines
094 DFYWA Ethics protocol supplementary information
103 VSS Telangana Ethics protocol supplementary information
148 DFM Kerala 2021 Ethics protocol supplementary information
149 DFM Kerala 2021 Neighbourhood group interview questions
150 DFM Kerala 2021 Oral history interview guide
151 DFM Kerala 2021 Household consumption survey
152 DFM Kerala 2021 Neighbourhood group interview consent form
153 DFM Kerala 2021 Oral history interview consent form
154 DFM Kerala 2021 Household consumption survey consent form
155 DFM Kerala 2021 COVID consent appendix
156 COVID-19 screening questionnaire