DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Sources of data
Published and unpublished data were gathered from various sources, including state universities, research centres, and graduate and postgraduate dissertations. Annual reports and statistics of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development (MFARD), National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), National Aquaculture Development Authority (NAqDA), Department of Census and Statistics, and Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, were also reviewed. Historical information was collected from administrative reports and sessional papers available at National Archives, in addition to accounts published by early British administrators and travellers. Secondary data on prices and imported dried fish varieties were available from the Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute (HARTI) and the Customs Department of Sri Lanka. Data and analysis of socio-cultural relations were accessed through sociological studies and ethnographies of fishing communities.