MEL Telangana

From DFM Wiki

This document is part of the Dried Fish Matters Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning workflow. Deliverables listed here are taken from the Terms of Reference (Schedule B) of contracts between the University of Manitoba and partner organizations for Scoping Research.

Name Description Comments Due
DFM Telangana pilot visits and survey of the dried fish wholesale markets
  • Around 20 page report on the pilot study with photographic illustrations.

2021-10-05: Draft is prepared, with a similar structure to the Mizoram and Manipur report but with additional case studies and interpretation. To be shared soon.

2022-02-16: Meeting with Ramachandrudu. "Maybe within 15 days we will have the first draft of the report."

DFM Telangana Scoping study
  • 30-40 pages scoping study report.
  • Subject to modifications agreed upon with the Project Director, the report will follow the report structure given in the document DFM Guideline: Scoping report structure.
@ericthrift Send sample reports to Ramachandrudu 2022-09-01
DFM Telangana compilation of interviews
  • An anonymized listing of interviews conducted with date, place, type of value chain actor, and a summary of key points from each interview. This list will serve as an index to the data for other members of the DFM project team who may request access to parts of the data if needed.
  • Alternatively, the research team may simply choose to upload the full transcripts or notes from each interview with the background information noted in the previous point.
DFM Telangana Visual documentation
  • A set of photographs and/or videos illustrating key aspects of the social economy of dried fish in Telangana.
  • These should have metadata with place, date, and photographer. Images where faces are visible should only be shared if consent for the photographs has been obtained.
  • Following consultation with VSS, images may be used for DFM Website, presentations, publications, or promotional materials.