E-book editorial meeting minutes 2022-03-10

From DFM Wiki

Summary of discussion

Status of the reviews

  • STORIES AND RECIPES (RATANA): Mostly complete. Still waiting for TARA, but have otherwise heard back from everyone. Some of the recipes are short and could be presented as box inserts, rather than as standalone chapters. The synthesis may focus on daily life.
  • CONCEPTS (MADU): There are four chapters in this section, though they may end up in other places. The "measurements" chapter could use a quick round of revisions based on the reviewer comments, which can be forwarded to the Value Chains section editors. The "Value of Values" chapter by MAHFUZ is being edited by RATANA, and might also fit better under "value chains". The "Maimul" chapter is moved to "Stories"; it is already reviewed, with comments sent to the author.
  • VALUE CHAINS (DEREK): The editorial work is a bit behind, as DEREK is busy and WAE WIN is in the middle of her candidacy. The editors have sent out review requests; one review has been received and three are outstanding. The visual contributions are fairly straightforward and will be reviewed internally. Authors will be given another 10 days or so to revise their pieces. DEREK's contribution is about 1/3 complete, and will focus on the idea of "transformation" and the emerging qualities of values.
  • CO-LEARNING (ERIC): Have received reviewer feedback on three of the chapters, and wrote editor notes to ALEXIA and FABIANA. Many of the chapters involve our own contributions, so we will need to work with our co-authors to update the texts. NOVA's chapter on "online marketing" does not belong here; it was originally proposed as "student views on dried fish research", i.e., doing research "close to home", but is now about value chains. Key themes we identify in this section are: (1) Power dynamics in knowledge creation (interpersonal relations; access to information/technology; institutional power); (2) Technologies of knowledge production (what we use shapes the knowledge we produce; some technologies facilitate co-creation and reflexivity; all technologies require some skill); and (3) Reflexivity (call for learning from ourselves, but also thinking about our own methods, their implications, etc.).


  • ERIC: Professional copy-editing will cost us about $40/hour, for around 1000 words per hour. Overall cost would be $4-5K. Unfortunately DFM students are mainly international students and would struggle to perform language editing at a high level.
  • RATANA suggests coordinating with VESNA to have students recruited and supervised through TBTI. ERIC will take this up.

Organization of the book

  • The stories and recipes sections will be conflated
  • "Marginality" will move from "concepts" to "stories and recipes"
  • Value chains / social economies section to be split into two sub-sections: "Describing value chains" and "theorizing value chains"
  • MADU still intends to work on the geographies of dried fish contribution

The 4WSFC panel

  • RATANA: We should include a way to engage with participants; the synthesis chapter(s) for the e-book itself can build on ideas that arise in the Congress.
  • DEREK: We need to think about the distinction between the two panels.


  • ERIC to discuss with VESNA about copy-editing (to begin on April 1)
  • SECTION EDITORS to start writing the introductions, aiming to have an outline by April 1
  • ERIC to update the outline
  • ERIC and MADU to send Sisir's chapter to EMDAD for review
  • MADU to send the comments on the Measurements chapter to DEREK and WAE WIN
  • ERIC to provide a formal submission for the e-book panel to the 4WSFC program (send to congress email)
  • ERIC and AKLIMA to send NOVA's chapter to DEREK and WAE WIN (and make sure that NOVA has the reviewer comments)
  • MADU to work on "Geographies of dried fish"