Gender in dried fish social economies

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GAF8 Conference key words

Lead Author Paper title Key words
Raktima Ghosh Gender in dried fish value chains Gendered division of labour, women’s cooperative societies and Self-Help Groups
women’s diet
hygiene (sanitary provisions)
transportation options
security and work environments
climate change
environmental risks
women’s subjective perception on male-female identity/duality/equity
knowledge co-production in policies and official/statistical dossier
Mostafa Hossain Unveiling and addressing gender inequality in dried fish sector: A Bangladesh perspective Gender disparity in fish drying
gender division of labour
fish processing and women, fish fermentation and women
dried fish trading and women
adolescent girls in fish drying and fermentation
ethnicity of women
women from marginalized group, wage disparity
wage - cash & kind, no-work-no-pay
women's role in decision making
drinking water, toilet and medical facilities
vulnerability, shocks and stress, security
violence against women in fish drying
health and hygiene
social status of women in fish drying
wealth class and educational qualification
living condition - how, where and how far they live
off-season livelihood
alternative livelihood options
gender inequalities in training
skill development
access to credit
interdisciplinary research to better understand the way out
gender transformative approaches (GTA)
research and development intervention
Derek Johnson Gender theory and practice in and international partnership on the social economy of dried fish productive and reproductive work
intersectional identities
gendered commodity chains
Wae Win Khaing The impacts of acute political conflict in Myanmar on women’s engagement in dried fish value chains Women in dried fish value chains
women fish processors
woman fish retailers
livelihood changes
livelihood and Covid-19 pandemic
social capital
developmental projects
fishery and migration
research in conflict
Dilanthi Koralagamage Gender engagement in dried fish value chains in Sri Lanka Gendered divison of labour
pay gap
processing methods
climate change
value addition
Tara Nair Why Fish Matters for Women? Insights from a Scoping Study in Gujarat Gujarat
gendered work in fish drying
women's role in local market linkage
in dried fish sector
social and economic barriers to upgradation of dried fish business
women trader's vulnerability to local power structures
Prasanna Surathkal Impacts of COVID19 on Women Dried Fish Processors of Karnataka: Some Empirical Evidence COVID-19
small-scale fisheries
fish processing and trading
dried fish
food security
Mirza Taslima Sultana Women in dried fish processing in Bangladesh: Negotiating and bargaining with patriarchy Patriarchy
Sokmoly Uon Gender Differences in the Decision to Change Production of Fermented fish paste (Prahok) among Cambodian Fishers in Tonle Sap Lake Access to water body/ fish resources
women's fish processing work as extension of household work
home consumption vs selling
pride in production of dried fish
women's role in circular economy (using all parts of fish and not wasting any)