Exploring fisherwomen's contributions to dried fish value chains within 'fishermen's world'.

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Title Exploring fisherwomen's contributions to dried fish value chains within 'fishermen's world'.
Author(s) Aklima Akter
Format Long Essay
Anticipated length 3000 words
Synopsis This essay is focused on women's roles within dried fish value chains which are widely overlooked and unappreciated by the society, state policies and within fishing communities. This is equally valid for their social, cultural, and economic roles. As a result, fisherwomen are not called as fisherwomen rather workers if they are working any dried fish site as labor, or sometimes simply fisher wives while they are working as a household team. Even though there is no change in their responsibilities while they are working as a worker or as a household team. Thus, fisherwomen's contributions to dried fish are technically denied by the value chains. Eventually fisherwoman remains as 'supporting actors' within dried fish value chains.