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This document summarizes the thematic tags currently used in the DFM Zotero database.

Up to nine frequently-used tags are colour-coded and given numeric keyboard shortcuts. You can tag a selected item by pressing the corresponding number key on your keyboard (desktop client only).

To ensure that tags applied by the DFM team are readily identifiable, we have used non-alphanumeric prefixes for the analytic and process tags used in our library. Our most important manually-applied tags are prefixed with a hash symbol [#]. Final spatial tags (sub-country unit, country, region, continent, global north/south, global, none) are marked with *’place’ tags. Product types are marked with the + symbol. These keyword tags will always be visible at the top of the tags listing and can also be distinguished from the tags that were assigned as part of the online search, as well as from tags attached to resources by the source publisher.

!, ?, and @ have specific functions as listed below

Some resources may have more than one tag per category.


Tag Description
^DRIED FISH SAMPLE Manually curated sample used in the global literature review. This sample includes all publications that, at the time of sample creation, were tagged "#RELEVANCE: Direct" and NOT tagged "#exclude".
^GENERAL SAMPLE A systematic sample of 100 publications retrieved from Google Scholar through queries deemed relevant to general fisheries research. This sample is intended as a rough baseline for analysis of trends in dried fish literature, rather than for use in statistically valid analysis.
^Fisheries Resources within ^GENERAL SAMPLE that primarily address fisheries (e.g., ecology, resource management, governance).
^Fishers Resources within ^GENERAL SAMPLE that primarily address fishers (e.g., livelihoods, labour, well-being).
^Fishing Resources within ^GENERAL SAMPLE that primarily address fishing (e.g., fishing practices, technologies).


Tag Shortcut Description
#RELEVANCE: Direct 1 Items that primarily or substantially concern dried fish, possibly in combination with other topics. Items that make an important contribution about dried fish, even if it is only one part of a larger work. Must explicitly discuss dried fish.
#RELEVANCE: Indirect 2 Items that provide incidental information about the social economy of dried fish, but that primarily concern a broader or distinct topic. Items that make no mention of dried fish, but are important for contextual, theoretical, methodological, or other reasons.


Tag Shortcut Description
#THEME: history / change 3 The history or evolution of the dried fish economy. Include historical documents in this category.
#THEME: economy 4 Macro-economic analysis. Dried fish production, consumption, employment trends, or trade at the aggregate regional or national scale. Works that provide information on the broad economic context within which dried fish economies operate, but which are not directly about dried fish value chains. May be used for references about dried fish value chains which also contain macro-economic contextual information.
#THEME: labour 5 Labour relations; the social organization of work practices; quality of work.
#THEME: technical 6 Development of processing technologies; nutritional analysis; contamination; etc. Grounded in scientific or engineering analysis and methods. This is a catch-all category that can later be disaggregated.
#THEME: policy and governance 7 Analysis or theoretical discussion of policy or governance institutions: fisheries management, economic development, resource management, poverty-reduction, price controls, food safety regulations, etc.
#THEME: value chain / microeconomics 8 Microeconomic analysis: Empirical study of dried fish value chain segments as economic activity. Looks at flows of resources, capital, and labour across segments. Considers value addition across the chain. Includes economic relations in fish drying and marketing. Includes analysis of consumption choices; household food preferences.
#THEME: culture, social relations & well-being 9 Subjective well-being; practices to sustain and promote dried fish for cultural objectives; quality of social relations (caste, class, ethnicity, religion, age and kin groups – any social organizational categories that are distinct from gender or occupational categories). Cultural understandings of health in relation to food consumption, etc.
#THEME: ecology Analyses of the place of dried fish within ecosystems and the environment.
#THEME: gender Women’s role in the social economy of dried fish; relations between men and women in social economies of dried fish; masculinities
#THEME: food & cooking Cooking and eating practices; food categorizations; commensality.
#THEME: health Studies linking dried fish to health; e.g. analyses of health consequences of consumption of certain levels of sodium through dried fish
#THEME: food and nutrition security Discussion of the contribution of dried fish to food security and nutrition outcomes. Draws on food chemistry (nutrition).
#THEME: food engineering Development of new processed fish products or new technologies for fish processing, storage, packaging, etc. Research on this theme typically draws on, and may intersect with, food chemistry or microbiology (e.g., nutrient analysis) but has an explicit applied focus. Patents belong in this category, as well as reports on the creation of experimental development-oriented technologies such as solar dryers.
#THEME: food chemistry and microbiology Food chemistry: Laboratory analysis of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes (nutritional or quality analysis).

Food microbiology: Laboratory analysis of pathogens, bacteria, or probiotics in food.

#THEME: food safety Attention to problems hygienic, handing, storage, or other aspects of production, processing, and retail that lead to threats to human health. Studies of practice modifications to reduce the likelihood of contamination. Labelling and other food safety-related policies. Laboratory analysis of pathogens should additionally be tagged under food microbiology.

Thematic clusters

Theme Subthemes
##THEME: culture and social relations #THEME: culture, social relations, and well-being

#THEME: food and cooking

#THEME: gender

#THEME: history / change

#THEME: political ecology

##THEME: ecology, policy, and governance [1] #THEME: policy and governance

#THEME: ecology

##THEME: food and nutrition security and health #THEME: food and nutrition security

#THEME: health

##THEME: value chains, economy, and labour #THEME: economy

#THEME: labour

#THEME:value chain / microeconomics

##THEME: food science #THEME: food chemistry and microbiology

#THEME: food engineering

#THEME: food safety

Deprecated theme tags

  • #THEME: nutrition: should be represented as #THEME: food chemistry and microbiology (i.e., nutrient analysis) OR #THEME: food and nutrition security (i.e., social dimensions of nutrition)
  • #THEME: technical: this tag was originally defined as a "catch-all category" for items grounded in scientific or engineering analysis and methods, including: development of processing technologies; nutritional analysis; contamination; etc. The term "food science" was later adopted to replace "technical" after realization that most technical resources were actually related to the discipline of Food Science.
    • This theme is mainly disaggregated into the subcategories of ##THEME: food science (#THEME: food chemistry and microbiology, #THEME: food engineering, or #THEME: food safety). Within this thematic cluster, we include studies of nutritional composition and engineering of new food products or processing technologies. Some food and nutrition security references also have substantial food science elements, so should be tagged with both thematic tags.
    • Some items with this tag document a traditional process in technical terms; these items should be retained under "#THEME: culture, social relations, and well-being".
    • Some items with this tag contain quantitative analyses of survey data; these items should be retained under the relevant thematic (substantive) tags, e.g., #THEME: labour or #THEME: culture, social relations, and well-being.
    • Some items with this tag document archaeological findings; these should be retained under #THEME: history / change.
  • #THEME: nutrition and food security: reassigned as “#THEME: food chemistry and microbiology” (technical analysis of nutritional value, contamination) OR “THEME: food and nutrition security” (food security, non food science)

Value chain segments

Tag Description
#SEGMENT: production Fishing and fishers (catch)
#SEGMENT: processing Fish drying, smoking, salting, fermenting, etc.
#SEGMENT: traders Wholesale trade
#SEGMENT: retail Retail trade
#SEGMENT: consumption Cooking and consumption

Geographic regions

Tag Description
*<geographic-locator> Spatial locator for geographic locations. References may be tagged with more than one geographic tag. Three levels of locator are used:
  • DFM priority sub-country spatial units; e.g. Indian states (*Kerala)
  • Countries, applied where a reference contains explicit mention of dried fish in relation to given country
  • Regions like Middle East; Southeast Asia; South Asia; applied when references concern spatial areas at this level of generalization
**<region> Spatial locator for continents (Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and Oceania, South America and the Caribbean, North America) and other global regions (Global North, Global South). These tags are applied automatically by a script that aggregates lower-level geographic locators, and will be overwritten if applied manually.
*Global Analysis explicitly positioned at global level
*None Analysis where no spatial focus is given or where location is irrelevant to dried fish

Product types

Theme code (keyword) Description
+<product> Tags with the + marker refer to particular categories of dried fish product; for now, we are limiting these to broad categories; in future, further more specific and/or local products may be added; where sufficient information permits, preference is to use a single product category tag; single tags are assigned when it is possible to determine the primary preservation technique; e.g. if fish are lightly smoked and then sun dried for an extensive period in the sun, they would be labelled as dried; where primary preservation technique is unclear, two tags may be used
+Dried fish This category is potentially confusing as it is the master category for the whole project, but also a particular preservation technique whereby fish are dried in the sun, wind, or exposure to air; we are using the +Dried fish tag in the latter, specific sense
+Fermented fish Products that are preserved using bacterial fermentation
+Fish crackers Includes fish biscuits and wafers
+Fish paste Finely ground or mashed fish; typically a sub-type of fermented fish
+Fish powder Powder made from dried fish as a condiment or for nutritional fortification
+Fish sauce A liquid by-product produced from fermented or dried fish; it may be the primary product desired (e.g. Thai fish sauce made from dried anchovies) or a secondary product (e.g. fish sauce made from fermented fish in Myanmar)
+Salted fish Products in which the primary mode of preservation is salting in order to remove moisture; category includes dry salted (e.g. Northwestern Atlantic salt cod) and wet salted (e.g. pickled fish; fish chutney)
+Smoked fish Preservations techniques where smoking is the primary agent of preservation or where smoking is the culturally identified property of significance in consumption
+Unspecified This is a tag to mark that the reference has been checked for product type but that the reference is insufficiently clear about what the particular type of dried fish product is the focus; should be used sparingly
++Other +Pickled fish

+Fish powder

+Derivative product

Other tags

Tag Description
? A temporary tag to indicate when the person tagging is uncertain about a particular tag; items to discuss with the author group for a collective decision
! Reference of particular interest or importance to DFM or a seminal contribution to the literature
@ Indicates that reference has been manually reviewed (for inclusion in the literature review)
#exclude Reference marked for exclusion from the literature review or similar analysis, generally due to unavailability of the source online or in a local library.
Storage References that pay substantial attention to aspects of storing dried fish. These include topics such as testing the benefits of different types of storage containers; comparative studies of the longevity of storage of different processing techniques; or studies of the prevalence of potentially toxic chemicals applied to extend the shelf life of dried fish.
Food Safety Attention to problems hygienic, handing, storage, or other aspects of production, processing, and retail that lead to threats to human health. Studies of practice modifications to reduce the likelihood of contamination. (DEPRECATED; Move to #THEME: food safety)
  1. “##THEME: ecology, policy, and governance” represents a kind of “other” category, catching applied themes that are significant to the general fisheries literature (natural resource management, fisheries policy, governance) but that are not yet explicit in dried fish literature.