4WSFC instructions for presenters

From DFM Wiki

The DFM roundtable sessions at 4WSFC will include a series of pre-recorded “lightning talks”. Please follow the guidelines below to record your presentation for this session in PowerPoint.

Presentations should be submitted by APRIL 22. Please send your files to dried.fish.matters@umanitoba.ca or, if your presentation file is too large to send by email, ask us for a link to our OneDrive folder.

The overview of the DFM session, including the list of presenters and topics, is available on this page: 4WSFC planning.

General requirements

  • Maximum 15 slides
  • Maximum 20 seconds per slide
  • Narration should be recorded with presenter view (video) in PowerPoint
  • The first slide should contain an introduction to you (the presenter) and your team

Atomic slides

All contributed presentations will be edited together and arranged according to the major themes for discussion. Your presentation may be split into two or more parts, and slides may be rearranged somewhat from their original order.

To assist with this editing:

  • Make the individual slides as self-contained as possible
  • Avoid referring to “next”, “previous”, or “earlier” slides, as the order may change

Recording in PowerPoint

Look for the button labelled “Record” or “Record Slide Show” on the “Slide Show” or “Recording” tab of the toolbar. If you are using an older version of PowerPoint and do not see this button, check the instructions from Microsoft.

Note that the option to record is NOT available in PowerPoint for the web.

The “Record” button should open up the slide show in presenter mode; click on the red button start your recording. By default, this should record audio and a small webcam video of you presenting in the bottom right corner.

Screenshot of PowerPoint interface showing the location of the "Record Slide Show" button.

The narration for each slide will be recorded as a separate file. Be sure to pause your narration before changing slides, to ensure smooth transitions and to allow for re-recording or rearranging individual slides after the presentation narration is complete.

If you are not satisfied with the recording on an individual slide, use the menu option “Clear Narration on Current Slide” then re-record that slide. This option is available from both presenter view and the “Record” button in the main interface.

Screenshot of PowerPoint interface showing the location of the "Clear Narration" menu options.