Kolkata Phase 2 planning meeting, August 17-20, 2023

From DFM Wiki

Agenda Preamble

Please note that all participants in the meeting will participate in all parts of days 1 and 2 of the meeting. The individuals mentioned by name are invited to act as facilitators by giving framing presentations, lead breakout group discussions, or lead plenary synthesis discussions.

All breakout group sessions on August 17 and 18 will address the following question:

What are the key findings from your research (or your research team's research) on the Working Group session topic?

Please see explanations of each Working Group session topic below the table along with questions prompts to think about for each topic.

Draft Agenda

17 August 2023

7:00-8:30 Breakfast
9:00-9:30 Welcome, brief introductions, meeting objectives and plan, and housekeeping (Derek)
9:30-10:15 Social Economy orienting presentation and discussion (Raktima)
10:15 - 10:30 Tea break
10:30-13:00 WG1 social economy theme discussion 1: mapping social economies of dried fish (Gayathri Lokuge, Jeena Srinivasan, Dilanthi Koralagamaga; Derek Johnson) and visualization and aesthetics of dried fish (Eric Thrift, Raktima Ghosh, Sara Nur, Mahmudul Sumon)
10:30- 10:50 WG1.1 Orienting presentation on mapping, visualizing, and aesthetics (Eric Thrift)
10:50-12:00 WG1.1 Social economy break out groups
  • spatializing leads: Dilanthi, Gayathri, Jeena
  • visualizing and aesthetics leads: Raktima, Mahmudul
12:00-13:00 WG1.1 Plenary discussion (Gayathri Lokuge)
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-16:30 WG1 social economy theme discussion 2: gender and social economies of dried fish (Kyoko Kusakabe, Aklima Akter, Nikita Gopal, Safina Naznin, Siddiqur Rahman, Wae Win Khaing)
14:00-14:20 WG1.2 Orienting presentation (Kyoko)
14:20-15:15 WG1.2 Gender and social economies of dried fish break out groups
  • discussion group leads: Kyoko, Aklima, Safina, Siddiqur, Wae Win
15:15-15:30 Tea Break
15:30-16:30 WG1.2 Plenary discussion (Siddiqur Rahman)
16:30-17:30 Plenary debrief of day: How does the social economy lens advance thinking about dried fish?
21:00 Dinner

18 August 2023

7:00-8:30 Breakfast
9:00-11:45 WG2 Nutrition contributions of dried fish and questions of consumption (Amalendu Jyotishi, Samia Sobhan, Ben Belton, Prasanna Surathkal, Derek Johnson)
9:00-9:20 WG2 Nutrition and consumption orienting presentation (Amalendu Jyotishi)
9:20-10:15 WG2 Nutrition and consumption break out groups
  • Breakout group leads: Amal, Samia, Ben Belton, Prasanna, Saiful
10:15-11:15 WG 2 Plenary discussion (Ben Belton)
11:15-11:30 Tea Break
11:30-14:00 WG3 Policy, governance, development in relation to dried fish social economies (Emdad Haque, Ratana Chuenpagdee, Tara Nair, Nikita Gopal, Prof. Ramachandra Bhatta, Naveen Namboodri/Abhilasha Sharma)
11:30-11:50 WG3 Policy, governance, development orienting presentation (Emdad Haque)
11:50-13:00 WG3 Policy, governance, development break out groups
  • breakout group leads: Naveen/Abhilasha, Ratana, Tara, Nikita, Prof. Bhatta; ensure that each breakout group includes public figures
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:00 WG3 Plenary discussion (Ratana Chuenpagdee)
15:00-15:15 Tea break
15:00-16:30 Lessons learned and days 3 and 4 planning
16:30-18:15 Break
18:30-21:00 Policy discussion cum exhibition (introductory talk, videos screening, e-book launch, engagement with select group of policy figures)
21:00 Dinner

19 August 2023

7:00-8:30 Breakfast
9:00-9:20 Current status of Phase 2 research plans
9:20-13:00 Phase 2 projects planning discussions
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-14:20 Current status of Phase 2 pilot interventions
14:00-16:00 Phase 2 pilot interventions discussions
21:00 Dinner

20 August 2023

7:00-8:30 Breakfast
9:00-12:30 Flexible work time for small groups to brainstorm, meet, write, and plan
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30 Stakeholder meeting group to leave for Diamond Harbour
17:30 Reach Diamond Harbour
21:00 Dinner

21 August 2023

7:00-8:30 Breakfast
9:00-12:00 Community engagement workshop (15 DFM participant limit)
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
Afternoon Return to Kolkata

Working Group discussion topics background information (courtesy Raktima Ghosh with inputs from Derek Johnson)

Working Group Theme Illustrative subthemes Questions to prompt reflection
Social economy (mapping, visualization and aesthetics) i) Value chains

ii) Commodity and other values

iii) Institutional contexts

iv) Economic forms

v) Labour practices

vi) Market behaviour and capitalism

vii) Political economy/ecology of change

viii) Social wellbeing

Spatializing social economies of dried fish
  • How can we connect the dots to map the flows of dried fish around the region?
  • How do we best 'map' social economies of dried fish considering the complexity that a social economy lens brings?
  • What are the different ways dried fish economy is organized, managed and controlled?
  • How can we best understand the labour practices in dried fish economies?
  • How does dried fish economy relate to formality, informality and cooperativism?
  • How can we map the position of dried fish in capitalist economy?

Visualization and aesthetics of dried fish

  • How are aesthetics and taste important in your research context? How are they important to DFM's work?
  • What have we learned about the comparative aesthetics of dried fish?
  • How do visual methods and techniques help to evoke the idea of social economy?
Gender and/in social economies i) Structural relations and patriarchy

ii) Spatiotemporal aspects

iii) Work conditions and health

iv) Political economy

v) Nature of involvement

  • How do household economies and spaces link to 'public' economies and spaces?
  • How can we trace out the ‘ordinary’ and the ‘everyday’ shaping women’s practices and lifeways?
  • How are women engaged in dried fish value chain? How does this vary within and between geographies?
  • How have dried fish economies brought changing work participation and challenges to women over past 20 years?
Nutrition and consumption i) Food and nutrition security

ii) Changing patterns of consumption - causes and effects

iii) Market labelling

iv) Hygienic processing

v) Local/cultural practices of cooking and understandings of nutrition

  • what do we know about the nutritional value of dried fish?
  • How do science-based nutritional assessments of dried fish relate to local/cultural understandings?
  • how are consumption patterns of dried fish changing?
  • what are the implications of spatial and temporal shifts in dried fish consumption for nutrition security?
  • how do the nutritional qualities of dried fish relate to social economy?
  • What insights has your research generated into the ongoing challenge of ensuring dried fish product quality across the value chain?
Policy, governance and development i) Regulatory aspects

ii) Financial networks

iii) Market/trade governance

iv) Informal/formal relationships

v) Technology

vi) Environmental governance and conservation

  • How present are policy, governance, and development in dried fish social economies?
  • to what degree is social economy recognized in policy? What are the consequences of leaving it out?
  • How do we do the technical better? Who gets the priority consideration?
  • What kinds of specific interventions are taking place?
  • What kinds of interventions are promising based on your research?
    • e.g.: labelling and geographic indications? Policy to improve workplace health and safety? Producer organizations?
  • How do we understand the disciplinary and regulatory mechanisms of governance that operate in and outside dried fish units?
  • What are the various challenges in marketing dried fish?
  • What kind of technical and policy measures is required for a safe and hygienic workspace for women?
  • How does environmental conservation/territorialization effect land based and sea/river based activities in dried fish?