DFM Sri Lanka literature review - Annexes

From DFM Wiki

Annex 1: Production of marine fish and dried fish

Production of marine fish and dried fish
Year Total marine Local Dried fish % of fresh fish
1995 217500 12000 5.52
2000 263680 24360 9.24
2005 130400 7560 5.80
2010 332260 46570 14.02
2011 385270 52230 13.56
2012 417220 61320 14.70
2013 445930 68200 15.29
2014 459300 71810 15.63
2015 452890 57450 12.69
2016 456990 64720 14.16
2017 449440 60190 13.39
2018 439370 61250 13.94

Source: MFARD 2019

Annex 2: Dried fish varieties (marine and inland)

Dried fish varieties (marine and inland)
Scientific name English name Sinhala name* Tamil name* Habitat
Small Marine Fish
Stolephorus sp. Anchovy species (sprats) Haalmessa Neththili Pelagic
Amblygaster cluepeoides Smoothbelly sardinella Keerameen Mundakan kilichchi Pelagic
Amblygaster sirm Trenched sardinella (herring) Hurulla Keerimeen saalai Pelagic
Leiognathus sp. Pony fish species Karalla Vari karai Demersal
Rastrelliger kanagurta Indian mackerel Kumbalava Kanang keluththi Pelagic
Decapterus macrosoma Shortfin scad Linna Reef-associated
Large Marine Fish
Katsuwonus pelamis Skipjack tuna Balaya Pelagic
Scomberoides lysan Double-spotted queen fish Katta Reef-associated
Carcharhinus sp. Shark Mora/Keelan
Arlus thalassinus Giant catfish Anguluwa
Scomberomorus commersoni Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Seer) Thora Arekula Pelagic
Dasyatis sp. Sting ray Maduwa
Sardinella gibbose Gold-striped  sardinella Saalaya
Istiophorus platypterus Sailfish Thalapath Mayil meen Pelagic
Harpadon nehereus Bombay duck Bombili Benthopelagic
Chirocentrus dorab Dorab wolf-herring Katuwalla
Lactarius lactarius False trevally Pulunna Suthumbu
Carangoides fulvoguttatusf Yellow-spotted trevally Thumba parawa Manjal parai Reef-associated
Perch giant Koduwa
Caranx ignobilis Giant trevally Parawa
Krill Kooni
Penaeus sp. Shrimp/prawn Issa
Squid/Cuttle fish Della
Freshwater Fish Species
Puntius filamentosus Filamented barb Pethiya Freshwater
Etroplus suratensis Pearl spot cichlid Koraliya
Oreochromis mossambicus Tilapia Mozambique Tilapiya
Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia Batta
Glossogobius giuris Bar eyed goby Weligouwa
Channa striatus Murrel Loola
Hyporham Half beak Morella
Arius sp. Catfish Magura

(Source: NARA and NAqDA)

Annex 3: Maldive and dried fish processing methods in southern Sri Lanka

Maldive and dried fish processing methods in southern Sri Lanka
Area Method
Pelena – Maldive fish Washing—de-heading—skinned—eviscerated—degutted—washed—cut longitudinal-wise, middle bone kept one side and loin parts separated. Salt add to water, fish pieces boil for 10-15 minutes. Sundry after adding ash for one week (fresh fish: maldive fish—5:1)
Pelena - Maldive fish Degutted—skinned—washed—cut—water boil with salt and goraka—add fish into the boiled water—parboiled for 10-15 minutes—squeeze to remove water using a piece of cotton cloth—add wood ash—sundry for 10 days
Gandara - Maldive fish Degutted—skinned—washed—cut—cook in steam—squeeze to remove water—add wood ash—sundry for 7 days
IDB recommended - Maldive fish Wash—de-headed—eviscerated(degutted)—wash—boil in seawater or salt solution—cool—de-skinned—smoke—sundry
Pelana-dried fish Degutted—skinned—washed—cut longitudinal-wise—keedi(cut marks to increase salt absorption)—remove gills—salted—keep a day in clay pots—washed in salt water—sundry for one week (fresh:dried - 3:1)
Pelena–dried fish Degutted—skinned—washed—cut longitudinal-wise—keedi—remove gills—salted (crushing into small granules)—keep in gunny bags (tank, inside a pit covered with cadjans or polythene)—keep for 14 days—wash in salt water—sundry for 7 days
Gandara Degutted—remove gills—cut the backbone and stomach—keedi—add crushed salt—keep in gunny bags for 3 days—wash by sea water—sundry for one week 
Bottu karawata- multiday boats Degutted—skinned—washed—cut into two—washed in sea water—sundry

(Source: Pieris 2008)

Annex 4: Household expenditures on meat

Average monthly household expenditure on meat as a percentage of the total food basket of main food groups in Sri Lanka by district, 2016 (Source: Authors, based on DCS 2016)