DFM Reports status
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Revision as of 15:10, 19 July 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs)
DFM Sri Lanka Key Zone identification study
- 2020-12-20: Received from Oscar Amarasinghe. Received as PDF; no further editorial work.
- 2020-12-20: Published online. DFM_RPT_LKA-Key-zone-study.pdf
DFM Kerala scoping exploratory study
- 2020-10-09: Received from Holly; credit to Nikita for the report. (Received as PDF; no further editorial work)
- 2020-10-12: Published online (DFM_RPT_Kerala-pre-scoping_2020-10-07.pdf )
- 2020-02-20: Received from Oscar Amarasinghe.
- 2020-11-05: Copy-edited by Eric Thrift. DFM_RPT_LKA-policy-analysis_FINAL.docx
- 2020-11-15: Published online. DFM_RPT_LKA-policy-analysis_FINAL.pdf
DFM Sri Lanka Development interventions study
- 2020-02-20: Received from Oscar Amarasinghe
- 2020-11-12: Copy-edited by Eric. DFM_RPT_LKA-development-interventions_FINAL.docx
- 2020-11-15: Published online. DFM_RPT_LKA-development-interventions_FINAL.pdf
- 2020-08: Published by Dakshin Foundation (https://www.dakshin.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Malvan-Dried-Fish-Report-Final.pdf)
- 2020-08: Published on DFM website (DFM_RPT_Malvan-Dried-Fish-Report-Final.pdf )
DFM Cambodia literature review Global literature review
- 2021-04-14: Text from draft paper imported to wiki
- 2021-07-30: Added conclusions section with reference to Venn diagram highlighting thematic clusters
DFM Sri Lanka literature review
- 2020-11-15: Submitted by Dilanthi Koralagama, with acknowledgements to Nireka Weeratunge and Oscar Amarasinghe
- 2021-01-16: Copy-edited by Steven Smeltz
- 2021-04-04: Final draft submitted by Dilanthi Koralagama
- 2021-04-05: Final edits incorporated by Eric Thrift. Source text and images are in the wiki; contents listed at DFM Sri Lanka literature review.
- 2021-02-20: Draft submitted by Gayathri Lokuge (DFM_RPT_KHM-Scoping-report_DRAFT.docx )
- 2021-04-21: Editorial meeting (Gayathri, Derek, Eric)
- 2021-05-25: Revised outline sent by Gayathri (DFM_RPT_KHM-Scoping-revised-outline.docx )
- Waiting for revisions...
DFM Bangladesh literature review
- 2020-10-31 Final draft submitted. DFM_RPT_BGL-literature-review_2020-10-31.docx
- 2021-04-21 Created links to Zotero, Steven Smeltz. DFM_RPT_BGL-literature-review-Zotero-links_2021-04-21.docx
- 2020-01-12: First draft
- 2020-12-03: Draft (“reworked paper”) received from Tara Nair (DFM_RPT_GUJ-policy-review_2020-03-27.docx )
- 2021-03-09: Returned to authors with comments by Derek (DFM_RPT_GUJ-policy-review_comments-DJ_2021-06-07.docx )
- 2021-05-10: Zotero references checked/added by Steven Smeltz; text copyedited based on version from Tara. Still need to insert some missing citations (DFM_RPT_GUJ-policy-review_copyedits-SS_2021-06-04.docx )
- 2021-09-08. With TARA for revision; working on the report.
DFM Mizoram and Manipur scoping report
- 2021-06-14: Draft report submitted. DFM_RPT_VSS_Scoping-report.doc
- 2021-08-06: Under review. TODO: Derek to complete review by 2021-08-11; schedule copy editing (language and presentation)
- 2021-10-05: Comments from Derek. Suggestion to add more empirical description of value chain and links to primary demographic data, which should be provided. DFM_RPT_VSS_Scoping-NE-States-of-India_2021-06_DJ.doc To be copy-edited with DFM Central; send specific questions to Ramachandrudu as they emerge
DFM Mizoram and Manipur visual data report
- 2021-03-24: Draft report received. DFM_RPT_VSS_NE-States-visual-documentation.docx
- 2021-08: Extracted images (Eric). Embedded images are mostly in high resolution so can be used in the current format; we would still like to have versions without the visual overlay of GPS coordinates. Need to obtain additional metadata and descriptive text.
- Import images to the wiki; this will allow for gallery visualization and reuse in other contexts.
DFM Bangladesh key locations report
- 2021-03-27: Draft received from Taslima. DFM_RPT_BGL-Key-location-report_2021-03-26.docx
- 2021-04-08: Preliminary comments by Derek. DFM_RPT_BGL-Key-location-report_comments.docx
- 2021-08-06: Still on Derek's desk. TODO: Derek send comments to Taslima by 2021-08-11.
- 2021-09-08: Response from Derek. DFM_RPT_BGL-Key-location-report_comments_2021-09-08.docx . Suggestions: (1) The addition of a short statement of methodology that explains how the data for the report were gathered, by whom, and using what methods. (2) A glossary of key Bangla terms used in the report. (3) There is some inconsistency in use of terms and spellings in the report. It would be ideal if these were to be harmonized.
DFM West Bengal scoping report 01
- 2021-06-27: Draft received from Jenia. DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_2021-06.pdf
- 2021-07-19: Returned to Jenia with comments from Derek. Requested section addressing methods. DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_Comments-DJ_2021-06.pdf
- 2021-08-18: Updated draft received from Raktima. DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_2021-08-18.docx and DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_Comments-DJ_2021-06_Explanations.pdf
- 2021-10-18: Comments from Derek. "I like very much the additions that you have made and think that the report is now much stronger. I have made some edits and inserted a number of additional comments requesting clarifications at various points in the text. ... In the next submitted version of the report, please separate out the final section on Immediate Research Plans and Subsequent Actions. I think there’s no need for that as part of the report, rather, it is the basis for a further discussion among us about your plan for the coming six months." DFM_RPT_IITK-Scoping_2021-10-18_DJ-comments.docx
DFM Myanmar consumption survey
- 2020-12-11: First draft completed by Si Thu
- 2021-03-18: Forwarded by Ben Belton. "I was able to ask an intern to have a first go at editing Sithu’s report on dried fish consumption in Myanmar – it still needs some refining, adding a proper introduction and conclusion, and some contextualization using secondary sources (e.g. need to compare the levels of consumption reported here with those reported elsewhere), but it is a good start." DFM_RPT_MMR-Consumption-survey_2021-03-18.docx
- 2021-05-21: Images and text imported to wiki by Steven Smeltz. DFM Myanmar consumption survey
- 2021-08-06: TODO - Eric check with Ben about finishing the report, including options for involving Si Thu.
- 2021-10-15: Status update from Wae Win. Work on the report is continuing; a version will be presented in the e-book as Dried Fish Consumption in Myanmar; Wae Win will upload images. DFM_RPT_MMR-Consumption-survey_2021-10.docx
- 2021-04-22: Draft received from Dasu
- 2021-07-16: Reviewer comments from Derek to Dasu. See "appraisal". "I think there’s real potential for an academic publication from the report. I realize this may not be your priority, but I would be happy to discuss options for helping you to transform it into an academic article if you were interested. Ratana is also putting together an e-book on outputs from the scoping phase of the project for a public audience, and we’d love to include a short piece from DFYWA in that. The volume will be free and written in accessible language, with lots of illustrations, so should be a good way to get our preliminary findings out." DFM-DFYWA_RPT_Living-on-the-edge_DRAFT-01_comments-DJ.docx
- 2021-08-25: Revised draft received from Dasu. DFM-DFYWA_RPT_Living-on-the-edge_2021-08-25.docx . "I am attaching the final report as prepared by Mr Venkatesh with this mail. You may please get the DFM and SSHRC logos added on the cover as you suggested and upload it on the DFM website. Please send the link once it has been published digitally so we can start sharing it to other interested parties."