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Latest revision as of 08:20, 9 August 2021

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This table lists all deliverables associated with each of the DFM Research Teams. Workflow status for each deliverable is listed on its linked description page. Click here to update the status data (clear cached data).
Scoping status NAG
Deliverable Workflow status Date
DFM Sri Lanka Key Zone identification study


DFM Sri Lanka policy study


DFM Sri Lanka Development interventions study


DFM Sri Lanka literature review
  • 2020-11-15: Submitted by Dilanthi Koralagama, with acknowledgements to Nireka Weeratunge and Oscar Amarasinghe
  • 2021-01-16: Copy-edited by Steven Smeltz
  • 2021-04-04: Final draft submitted by Dilanthi Koralagama
  • 2021-04-05: Final edits incorporated by Eric Thrift. Source text and images are in the wiki; contents listed at DFM Sri Lanka literature review.


DFM Sri Lanka online library
  • 2021-01-19: 84 items in the Zotero Sri Lanka collection. Many are publications by Sri Lankan authors in international, English-language journals.


DFM Sri Lanka fisher and producer focus group reports


DFM Sri Lanka nutrition study


DFM Sri Lanka database of anonymized field data


DFM Sri Lanka wholesale and retail research report


DFM Sri Lanka thematic codebook


DFM Sri Lanka scoping report


DFM Sri Lanka Scoping knowledge mobilization


DFM Thailand policy documents


DFM Thailand Review of government policies related to dried fish


DFM Thailand literature review
  • 2021-03-12: Few Thai publications discovered by the team. Available literature was used in guiding the scoping research. NOVA is working on this.
  • Check with NOVA. This report can focus on analysis of secondary data, not just publications specifically related to dried fish. It will be useful to have market data, etc., in a distinct report prior to the final Scoping report.


DFM Thailand Zotero collection


DFM Thailand summary report on dried fish value chain governance


DFM Thailand publication


DFM Thailand publication on the rapid appraisal findings


DFM Thailand scoping report
  • 2021-03: Agreed to combine "Report on rapid appraisal of dried fish value chains" into the Scoping report, with reflection on the contribution of “pre-Scoping” exploratory research to the data process. Suggested to provide some figures and tables prior to the final report, to assist comparative study. Specifically: list of fish species, table of imported/exported products, geographic data (for mapping in late 2021).
  • 2021-03-12: Most field research completed, other than East coast and two provinces under lockdown near Bangkok. Expected completion in April 2021.


DFM Thailand addition of data to DFM internal database


DFM Thailand stakeholder workshop


DFM Thailand policy brief


DFM Thailand publication in a peer reviewed journal


Bangladesh local literature database


DFM Bangladesh policy inventory and gap analysis report
  • Not yet started?


DFM Bangladesh literature review


DFM Bangladesh key locations report


DFM Bangladesh plan for pilot interventions


DFM Bangladesh thematic codebook


DFM Bangladesh online database of field records


DFM Bangladesh report on food security and nutrition


DFM Bangladesh maps of dried fish value chains sites


DFM Bangladesh scoping report


DFM Bangladesh online database of dried fish and fish species


DFM Bangladesh illustrated book on dried fish
  • 2021-06-08: First draft shared by Mostafa. "This is the first draft of the dried fish album. There are a lots of error and inconsistencies.  I am correcting the text.  I am also thinking about changing the title to - Dried Fish of Bangladesh - Products, Process, People & Places and add some more photos and description of major processes, stakeholders and key locations. I'll share all the texts for your review and corrections. In the mean time, please have a look and let me know what you think." DFM_BGL_dried-fish-album_DRAFT_2021-06-08.zip
  • 2021-06-14: Comments from Shakuntala. "There is always room for improvement. – and more text about other aspects than just the fish species. Ben – after our talk today – you come with a suggestion of where / how much to Include – in addition to what I wrote: With a bit more work, it can be more professional, some of the text and grammar to fix, some of the terms: ‘high value’ / ‘low value’ to fix; the length of fish – all end with .0 – so this can be removed; the arrangement of the photos and the front page can be more ‘professional/ less busy – ….. But we should aim for a quick product.


DFM Gujarat policy review


DFM Gujarat budget and policy documents Zotero collection


DFM Gujarat literature review


DFM Gujarat Zotero collection


DFM Gujarat report on the rapid survey on dried fish value chains in Gujarat


DFM Gujarat field survey compilation


DFM Gujarat report on value chain financing of dried fish


DFM Gujarat financing survey compilation


DFM Gujarat report on consultative workshop on Dried Fish in Gujarat


DFM West Bengal Mapping of major fishing areas and groups


DFM West Bengal Compilation of legal and institutional arrangements and procedures


DFM West Bengal scoping report 01


DFM West Bengal scoping report 02


DFM West Bengal scoping report 03


DFM West Bengal final scoping report


DFM West Bengal database


DFM West Bengal scoping knowledge mobilization


DFM Telangana pilot visits and survey of the dried fish wholesale markets


DFM Telangana Scoping study
  • 2021-10-05: Draft is prepared, with a similar structure to the Mizoram and Manipur report but with additional case studies and interpretation. To be shared soon.


DFM Telangana compilation of interviews


DFM Telangana Visual documentation


VSS Review of literature on dried fish in India's northeastern states
  • 2021-10-05: Mizoram and Manipur literature review embedded within the Scoping Report. Could be analyzed further in a subsequent document, following the Scoping research.
  • Ask U of M RA (KEVIN) to go through bibliography and upload references to Zotero.


DFM Mizoram and Manipur production and wholesale survey
  • 2021-10-05: Received 2021-08. List in bibliography but treat as draft for Scoping Report; contains mainly demographic information.


DFM Mizoram and Manipur scoping report
  • 2021-06-14: Draft report submitted. DFM_RPT_VSS_Scoping-report.doc
  • 2021-08-06: Under review. TODO: Derek to complete review by 2021-08-11; schedule copy editing (language and presentation)
  • 2021-10-05: Comments from Derek. Suggestion to add more empirical description of value chain and links to primary demographic data, which should be provided. DFM_RPT_VSS_Scoping-NE-States-of-India_2021-06_DJ.doc To be copy-edited with DFM Central; send specific questions to Ramachandrudu as they emerge


DFM Mizoram and Manipur compilation of interviews
  • 2021-10-05: Data are available as scanned or typed notes, in some cases listed in a spreadsheet. RAMACHANDRUDU should attach a copy of the questionnaire as an appendix to the Scoping Report and supply the interview summaries.


DFM Mizoram and Manipur visual data report
  • 2021-03-24: Draft report received. DFM_RPT_VSS_NE-States-visual-documentation.docx
  • 2021-08: Extracted images (Eric). Embedded images are mostly in high resolution so can be used in the current format; we would still like to have versions without the visual overlay of GPS coordinates. Need to obtain additional metadata and descriptive text.
  • Import images to the wiki; this will allow for gallery visualization and reuse in other contexts.


DFM Andhra Pradesh Report on the secondary data analysis


DFM Andhra Pradesh Report on the primary data analysis by CESS


DFM Andhra Pradesh Report on value chains including the retail segment


DFM Andhra Pradesh Field Survey on value chains including the retail segment


DFM Andhra Pradesh Report or chapter


DFYWA Research plan for the study on fishmeal sector impacts on dried fish value chain actors


DFYWA Fishmeal and dried fish in Andhra Pradesh report
  • 2021-04-22: Draft received from Dasu
  • 2021-07-16: Reviewer comments from Derek to Dasu. See "appraisal". "I think there’s real potential for an academic publication from the report. I realize this may not be your priority, but I would be happy to discuss options for helping you to transform it into an academic article if you were interested. Ratana is also putting together an e-book on outputs from the scoping phase of the project for a public audience, and we’d love to include a short piece from DFYWA in that. The volume will be free and written in accessible language, with lots of illustrations, so should be a good way to get our preliminary findings out." DFM-DFYWA_RPT_Living-on-the-edge_DRAFT-01_comments-DJ.docx
  • 2021-08-25: Revised draft received from Dasu. DFM-DFYWA_RPT_Living-on-the-edge_2021-08-25.docx . "I am attaching the final report as prepared by Mr Venkatesh with this mail. You may please get the DFM and SSHRC logos added on the cover as you suggested and upload it on the DFM website. Please send the link once it has been published digitally so we can start sharing it to other interested parties."


DFYWA Popular summary in Telugu and English


DFYWA Data sharing


DFYWA Visual documentation
  • 2021-09-06: Set of 268 photos shared by Dasu via Google Drive.
  • 2021-11-09/10: Eric uploading via Upload Wizard, using Category:DFYWA.


DFM Cambodia scoping report


DFM Cambodia exploratory workshop
