The still images on this page were used in the "Visualizing social economies" video.
Cambodia (4026994079).jpg
Bombay Duck dried for sale.jpg
Dried anchovies.jpg
Mackerel Fish drying on beach.JPG
Prahoc market (8198458075).jpg
Processing of fish on Negombo beach.JPG
Map of Asia.png
Dried sprats in frying pan.jpg
Package of dried sprats.jpg
Fish powder in Canada.jpg
Fish powder in Canada - 1.jpg
Packaged dried sprats in Canada.jpg
Fried dried anchovies.jpg
BGL IMG 20201110 173145.jpg
BGL IMG 20201110 182444.jpg
BGL IMG 20201111 095854.jpg
Traditional Fish Fry.JPG
Outdoor fish processing in Bangladesh.jpg
Dried fish (shutki).jpg
Fermented fish (chapa, shidol).jpg
Fish landing Bangladesh.jpg
Fish sorting Bangladesh.jpg
Fish hanging by their tails.jpg
Fish hanging by the jaw.jpg
Salted fish before drying.jpg
High-value large fish drying.jpg
Fermenting pot - motka.jpg
Fermenting fish being soaked with punti oil.jpg
Fermented punti (dried barb).jpg
Fermented phaisa (anchovy).jpg
Fish auction in Bangladesh.jpg
Fish transport to retail market.jpg
Fish for retail in a Bangladesh market.jpg
Bangladesh fish retail in market.jpg
Small plate of prepared dry and fermented fish.jpg
Dried fish market, Pettah, Colombo, Ceylon, circa. 1940s.jpg
Fish drying on hanging racks, Bangladesh.jpg
Fermented fish, Bangladesh.jpg
Bowl of seasoning.jpg
Chinese dip nets in Kochi, Kerala, India.jpg
Men working with Chinese dip nets in Kochi, Kerala, India.jpg
Drying of fish, Negombo, Sri Lanka.jpg
Jars of dried fish products.jpg
Jars of dried fish products and condiments.jpg
Bombay duck dictionary entry.jpg
A group in a Bangladesh fish market.mp4
Karawala hodi - Dry fish curry, Sri Lanka.jpg
Karawala hodi - Dry fish curry, Sri Lanka (Second image).jpg
Karawala badun - Tempered dried fish, Sri Lanka.jpg
Karawala badun - Tempered dried fish (Second image).jpg
Devinuwara, fish drying on rooftop, Sri Lanka.jpg
A man washing salted fish in the ocean, Sri Lanka.jpg
A Sri Lankan woman drying fish.jpg
A postcard from Negombo, Ceylon depicting fishing canoes with sails unique to the region.jpg
Dried fish market, Negombo 1980s.jpg
Dried fish market, Negombo, Sri Lanka.jpg
The Hamilton Canal, Negombo, early 1900s.jpg
Bullock carts transporting goods, late 1800s.jpg
Fermented fish bhuna, Bangladesh.jpg
Dried Loita Bharta (fried type), West Bengal.jpg
Dried Suri Curry, West Bengal.jpg
Dried fish Masala, West Bengal.jpg
Dried fish chutney powder, West Bengal.jpg
A khoti temple at Sagardwip, West Bengal.jpg
Idol of Goddess Bishalaxmi with Ganga and Manasa (pots), West Bengal.jpg
Sketch of fishermen in West Bengal.jpg
Fish drying on outdoor racks (Bombay duck), Western India.jpg
Cartoon Fish and Duck.jpg
Women Drying Bombay Duck in Western India.jpg
Bombay duck hanging out to dry, Western India.jpg
A pile of dried Bombay duck, Western India.jpg
Bombay duck made at the Gaylord restaurant in England.jpg
Letter criticizing the import ban of Bombay duck.jpg
Cartoon of a "Bombay duck".gif
Bombay duck being cooked in a pan, Western India.jpg
Dried Bombay duck masala.jpg
Dried Bombay duck chili fry (Sukha Bombil).jpg
Dried Bombil Masala (Bombay duck).jpg
Bombil (dried Bombay duck) chutney.jpg
Dried Bombay Duck Pickle (Sukha Bomblache Lonche).jpg
Goan dried Bombay duck (Bombil) masala.jpg
Loitta Shutki (Traditional Bengali dish made with dried Bombay duck).jpg
Cover of the novel "Bombay Duck is a Fish".jpg
Cover of the book "Bombay Duck".jpg