Topic on Talk:DFM Memo: Critical inquiry within the DFM project

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ERB response for Alexia

EricThrift (talkcontribs)

As noted in the "about this board" box: In its evaluation of an ethics protocol submitted by DFM Master's student @AlexiaP, the UManitoba ERB asked us to "clarify the DFM’s protocols to protect research staff and/or provide permission script or proof of permission to conduct this research". I drafted this memo in response, trying to acknowledge the project-level risks and give an indication of the protections we are committed to providing.

@DerekDFM and Fabiana: Please feel free to comment with any questions, concerns, reservations, ideas, etc.

I think we could send out an email to the DFM mailing list with (1) a paragraph introducing Alexia and her research, and (2) inviting everyone to have a look at this memo and leave comments or questions.