Production of marine and dried fish in Sri Lanka

From DFM Wiki
Production of marine fish and dried fish
Year Total marine Local Dried fish % of fresh fish
1995 217500 12000 5.52
2000 263680 24360 9.24
2005 130400 7560 5.80
2010 332260 46570 14.02
2011 385270 52230 13.56
2012 417220 61320 14.70
2013 445930 68200 15.29
2014 459300 71810 15.63
2015 452890 57450 12.69
2016 456990 64720 14.16
2017 449440 60190 13.39
2018 439370 61250 13.94

Source: MFARD 2019