Help:YouTube channel

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Accessing the YouTube channel

NOTE: If you try to access this account from an unknown network, YouTube will ask you to verify the account. Currently the (required) verification and recovery phone number is set to Eric’s cell phone.

This is actually a Google account, so it will provide access to other Google consumer services as well.

Instead of sharing the access credentials, all people who will be posting to the YouTube channel should be made channel managers. Send an invitation under Settings > Invitations. The inviting owner/manager will need to confirm their identity by entering a security code sent by phone.

Live streaming webinars

In YouTube Studio, go to the "Create" button (top right) and choose the "Go live" option.

Select "Later date" then "Streaming software", and finally "Schedule stream".

This will open a window where you can enter the title and description; also upload a 16x9 image to serve as the background card before the stream goes live. Note the public URL that you will want to share.

The scheduled stream should now show up when you select "manage" for that stream. Y

ou will need to copy the stream key and URL and paste them into Zoom. Within the Zoom client, once the meeting has started, look under the "More" menu to find the option "Live on Custom Live Streaming Service". Enter the key and URL from YouTube, then start streaming.

For details and screenshots see the Zoom help page.

The technically simple option is to use the "Live on YouTube" streaming option directly within Zoom. This will cause the live stream to show up on the channel page (if the stream is public), but it will NOT let you set the URL in advance or have a countdown timer so that viewers can arrive a little bit early and start waiting for the video.


New videos should generally be added to a playlist. We have several public playlists featured on the channel front page; these can be configured under the "Customization" > "Featured sections" menu.