
From DFM Wiki

The DFM events calendar

Our events listing is managed in Google Calendar. Log into the DFM Google account ( and navigate to to manage events. Do not post Zoom links or other private details to this calendar, as they may become visible to malicious strangers.

To add DFM events to a personal calendar application (e.g., Outlook), users should import the DFM iCalendar file.

See Calendar on the DFM Wiki for an online listing of events updated by the ical2wiki bot from the same iCalendar file.

Events should also be copied manually to Derek's calendar in Outlook.

It is possible to share calendars from Outlook, however in the past University of Manitoba IT policies have prevented us from making calendar links accessible to people outside the institution. If this setting has changed, we can update the iCalendar link in the following places:

  • mailing list (inform everyone)
  • the Calendar intro template (included at the top of the page Calendar on this wiki)
  • ical2wiki script

Scheduling and announcing meetings

Announcements of project-level meetings should go out to the mailing list. Smaller meetings can be announced to the participants only.

Project members have requested that we include an iCalendar invitation file for each Zoom meeting. This can be downloaded from the Zoom meetings page, alongside the meeting invitation text.

In general we have found that meetings held at 8:00 or 8:30 AM Winnipeg time are most accessible to overseas partners. (8:30 AM in Winnipeg is 8:30 PM in Thailand, 9:30 PM in Malaysia.) Our partners in India and Bangladesh have pushed back against meetings earlier than 9:00 AM local time, which is 9:30 or 10:00 PM in Winnipeg.

People need to be reminded of meetings the day before.