Gender and social economies of dried fish

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Revision as of 16:19, 14 March 2023 by DerekDFM (talk | contribs)

This page is the gathering place for links and documents related to the WG1 sub-theme on gender and the social economies of dried fish.

Materials from all meetings are here.

The sub-theme speaks to a long-standing critical area of interest and importance for the participants in DFM. The formalization of the sub-theme crystallized during discussions at the GAF8 conference in Cochin in November 2022. The first output of those discussions was a list of key words compiled by conference participants. The compilation of key words was the basis for the first formal meeting of the sub-theme on December 15, 2022. Materials from that meeting are here. The requested first preliminary stab at identifying possible key themes for a possible synthesis paper is here.

The second meeting on the theme took place on February 23, 2023. The objective of the meeting was to develop further our theoretical focus for the collaboration. Readings for this meeting are indicated in the bibliography below.

Meeting three is planned for March 29. Th


Readings are available in the DFM Zotero library in a new shared GAF folder. That folder also includes copies of the presentation slides from the GAF8 conference and references on gender and dried fish.

Meeting 2

Galappaththi, Madu, Andrea M. Collins, Derek Armitage, and Prateep Kumar Nayak. 2021. “Linking Social Wellbeing and Intersectionality to Understand Gender Relations in Dried Fish Value Chains.” Maritime Studies.

Sachs, Carolyn E. 1996. Gendered Fields: Rural Women, Agriculture, and Environment. Rural Studies Series. Boulder: Westview Press. (particularly chapters 1, 2, and 8)

Meeting 3

Dunaway, Wilma A. Gendered Commodity Chains: Seeing Women’s Work and Households in Global Production. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2014.