From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 10:47, 24 June 2022 by KevinEdbert (talk | contribs) (Updating the description of DFM team contact person)
- Aklima Akter
- Alexia Pigeault
- Amalendu Jyotishi
- DFM Karnataka contact person
- Amrita Sen
- Andrew Murray
- Anita Gomez
- The person who makes wire transfers each Thursday.
- Anupama Adhikari
- Arjilli Dasu / DFYWA
- Barb Hewitt
- ORS staff member responsible for SSHRC. Send Barb the form to initiate a new Sub-Award (i.e., agreement to send money to an institution where there is a Co-Investigator) and request to initiate a payment according to an existing agreement with a partner.
- Ben Belton
- Colleen Cranmer
- Corrine Bakun
- Anthropology Administrative Assistant. Corrine will arrange anything related to payroll, including setting up student awards and research assistant positions. Corrine also administers non-DFM accounts.
- Deo Namwira
- Derek Johnson
- Dilanthi Koralagama
- DFM Sri Lanka contact person
- Elke Schattka
- ORS contracts person. Elke will draw up our contracts for "non-eligible" organizations -- in our case, organizations outside Canada that are not Universities.
- Emdad Haque
- Emily Khor (WorldFish)
- Fabiana Li
- Anthropology department member. Co-Investigator, worked with Alexia Pigeault on learning within the project.
- Francia Esguerra
- Research Accountant. F300s will go to Francia, who will send our financial reports to SSHRC at the end of each fiscal year. Wire transfers initiated through ORS contracts also go through her.
- Gayathri Lokuge
- Holly Hapke
- humanethics (Pinar)
- The ERB coordinator. Formerly all ethics protocols and amendments were submitted by email to Pinar; now the process is done online. See Help:Ethics.
- Ishaan Khot
- JC Lussier
- IT support person in the Faculty of Arts. Helps out when Rob Parker is unavailable.
- Jeemdaklik [Potentially Forged Sender]
- Jeena Srinivasan
- DFM Andhra Pradesh contact person
- Jeffrey Conquergood
- Senior Finance Officer in the Faculty of Arts. Can give advice on the eligibility of specific expenses, purchasing protocols, etc.
- Jenia Mukherjee
- IITK/DFM West Bengal contact person
- Jeppe Kolding
- Jessie Varquez, Jr
- Johny Stephen
- Jonah Olsen
- Kerrie Hayes
- Kevin Edbert
- Kirit Patel
- Kyoko Kusakabe
- AIT contact person
- Leanne Blondeau
- Maarten Bavinck
- Madeleine Hoskins
- Madu Galappaththi
- Mahed Choudhury
- Mahfuzar Rahman
- Mahmudul Sumon
- Mari-Ann Weber
- Melissa Marschke
- Mirza Taslima
- Mostafa Hossain
- DFM Bangladesh contact person
- Naveen Namboothri
- Nayda Joaquin
- Nikita Gopal
- Nireka Weeratunge
- Nova Almine
- Pinar Eskicioglu
- Prasanna Surathkal
- Prateep Nayak
- Priya Gupta
- Priyadarshi Patnaik
- Raktima Ghosh
- Ramachandra Bhatta
- Ramachandrudu Barigela
- DFM Telangana and DFM Manipur contact person
- Ratana Chuenpagdee
- TBTI/Memorial University/DFM Thailand contact person
- Resheda Akhtar
- Rob Parker
- Rotimi Aluko
- Ruby Napata
- Rudra Mishra
- Sai Leela Modem
- Sami Farook
- Samsul Alam
- Sara Ahmed
- Sara Dueck
- Sayeed Ferdous
- Shakuntala Thisted
- Sharon Suri
- Si Thu Lin
- Sidiqqur Rahman
- Simar Kaur
- Sisir Pradhan
- Souradip Pathak
- Supplier Support
- Tara Nair
- DFM Gujarat contact person
- TBTI Global (Ratana)
- Tina Chen
- Too Big to Ignore (Vesna)
- E-book contact person
- Travel Information and Assistance
- V2V Global Partnership
- Wae Win Khaing
- Wickrama Shalika Iaksan
- Yeashir Arafath Borno