DFM Sri Lanka Key Zone identification study
- This report should summarize the information provided by the Directors of Fisheries; should include an overview of known information about each of the key sites.
2020-12-20: Published online. DFM_RPT_LKA-Key-zone-study.pdf
2020-12-20: Received from Oscar Amarasinghe. Received as PDF; no further editorial work.
DFM Myanmar MPLSC dataset and preliminary analysis
- Should provide an analysis of the cleaning/processing and basic data from the World Bank's 2015 Myanmar Poverty and Living Conditions Survey (MPLCS).
- Should include copies of the clean dataset(s).
- Should provide evidence to support academic publications on the contributions of dried fish to nutrition in Myanmar.
2022-02-10: Postpone asking about this until we know if AIT students will use the dataset.
2021-08-06: Status unknown. Datasets may already be available with NAG?
DFM Sri Lanka policy study
- The report should be approximately 20-30 pages, not including technical appendices.
- Should include the following elements:
- An overview of existing policies on fish and dried fish
- An identification of policy gaps
- An evaluation of the policy formulation process, describing the participation of different stakeholders
- An assessment of implementation gaps
- A list of possible policy interventions
- An assessment of key governance issues such as the role of local government, policies for common-property water bodies, and management structures
- An assessment of the use of chemicals and the impact of policies concerning their import, sale, and use
2020-11-15: Published online. DFM_RPT_LKA-policy-analysis_FINAL.pdf
2020-11-05: Copy-edited by Eric Thrift. DFM_RPT_LKA-policy-analysis_FINAL.docx
2020-02-20: Received from Oscar Amarasinghe.
DFM Bangladesh literature review
- The report should be 20-40 pages in length
- Should review current knowledge and sources of information about dried fish in the area studied by the research team, drawing on grey literature, archival sources, legal texts, student theses, and local publications
- Should identify areas for further investigation
- May be written up as a paper to be submitted for peer review.
2022-03-30: Update from MOSTAFA:
We just had along zoom meeting on 28 March, participated by all DFM-BD members.
We discussed our progress regarding all the DFM deliverables. Among all the deliverables, our first priority are two - the completion of Literature review and the scoping report. Following Derek's comment, we have been working on the two documents.
In the literature review, that we prepared, somehow was narrowly focused and now we are including a number of additional documents from Zotero Bangladesh folder and also from outside zotero. As we expect, the revised review, we'll submit by April.
See further correspondence from the team:
2021-12-21: Message from Mostafa -- "Lit. review will be finalized by 1st week of January. Dr. Taslima is working on. "
2021-04-21 Created links to Zotero, Steven Smeltz. DFM_RPT_BGL-literature-review-Zotero-links_2021-04-21.docx
2020-10-31: Final draft submitted. DFM_RPT_BGL-literature-review_2020-10-31.docx
DFM Sri Lanka Development interventions study
- Inventory of current development interventions
- Summary information about development projects related to dried fish should be provided in a list or spreadsheet.
2020-11-15: Published online. DFM_RPT_LKA-development-interventions_FINAL.pdf
2020-11-12: Copy-edited by Eric. DFM_RPT_LKA-development-interventions_FINAL.docx
2020-02-20: Received from Oscar Amarasinghe
DFM Bangladesh key locations report
- Field reports from each cluster should highlight main characteristics and unique features of the sites visited
- The compiled report should include a selection of key locations for in-depth research
2022-03-04: Released -- wiki, Zotero, online bibliography, blog, Twitter.
2022-02-11: @waewinkhaing -- please create a summary document. See the instructions under the Myanmar consumption survey.
2022-12-21: "Final" document shared by Mostafa.
2021-12-20: Updated report shared by Taslima.
Previous version shared by Mostafa within the BGL team 2021-10-26, addressing comments from Derek.
2021-09-08: Response from Derek. Suggestions: (1) The addition of a short statement of methodology that explains how the data for the report were gathered, by whom, and using what methods. (2) A glossary of key Bangla terms used in the report. (3) There is some inconsistency in use of terms and spellings in the report. It would be ideal if these were to be harmonized.
2021-08-06: Still on Derek's desk. TODO: Derek send comments to Taslima by 2021-08-11.
2021-04-08: Preliminary comments by Derek.
2021-03-27: Draft received from Taslima.
DFM Myanmar consumption survey
- The report should be 20-40 pages in length.
- Should report the results of a short survey on the type, frequency, and volume of dried fish product consumption, as administered by NAG through its field offices in Myanmar.
- Should include both a summary of quantitative data and an analysis highlighting significant evidence.
2022-03-02: Converted to PDF; generated cover; uploaded summary to WordPress.
@waewinkhaing Thanks for the summary!
Dried Fish consumption in Myanmar_Summary.docx
2022-02-11: @waewinkhaing -- please create a synopsis of this report for the DFM blog. We need around 200-300 words of text, and one or two images. It can be written like a press release, identifying the people who were involved in preparing the reports, the key findings (maybe as a list of bullet points?), and a summary of why/to whom the report will be valuable.
Please attach the synopsis file to this card as an attachment. Thanks!
2022-02-07: Wae Win states this integrates the Literature Review. This is the FINAL draft. DFM Myanmar Consumption report_4 Nov_BB_Final.docx
2021-10-15: Status update from Wae Win. Work on the report is continuing; a version will be presented in the e-book as Dried Fish Consumption in Myanmar; Wae Win will upload images. DFM Myanmar Consumption report_4 Nov_BB_Final.docx
2021-08-06: TODO - Eric check with Ben about finishing the report, including options for involving Si Thu.
2021-05-21: Images and text imported to wiki by Steven Smeltz. DFM Myanmar consumption survey
2021-03-18: Forwarded by Ben Belton. "I was able to ask an intern to have a first go at editing Sithu’s report on dried fish consumption in Myanmar – it still needs some refining, adding a proper introduction and conclusion, and some contextualization using secondary sources (e.g. need to compare the levels of consumption reported here with those reported elsewhere), but it is a good start."
2020-12-11: First draft completed by Si Thu
VSS Review of literature on dried fish in India's northeastern states
- Around 20 page report summarizing the existing literature, data, and policy documents on dried fish in India’s northeastern states
- Uploading and tagging any references on this region that the research team locates that are not currently in DFM’s Zotero literature database
Ask U of M RA (KEVIN) to go through bibliography and upload references to Zotero (i.e., within the Scoping Report)
2021-10-05: Mizoram and Manipur literature review embedded within the Scoping Report. Could be analyzed further in a subsequent document, following the Scoping research.
2020-09: Email exchange between Ramachandrudu and Derek, "Summary of Review of Literature on the Dried Fish in North Eastern States of India- reg". See message forwarded by Derek 2020-10-27. Report to be filed for internal circulation.
DFM Sri Lanka literature review
- The report should be 20-40 pages in length
- The report should review current knowledge and sources of information about dried fish in the area studied by the research team
- The report should draw on grey literature, archival sources, legal texts, student theses, and local publications.
- The report should identify areas for further investigation.
2021-04-05: Final edits incorporated by Eric Thrift. Source text and images are in the wiki; contents listed at DFM Sri Lanka literature review.
2021-04-04: Final draft submitted by Dilanthi Koralagama
2021-01-16: Copy-edited by Steven Smeltz
2020-11-15: Submitted by Dilanthi Koralagama, with acknowledgements to Nireka Weeratunge and Oscar Amarasinghe
DFYWA Fishmeal and dried fish in Andhra Pradesh report
2021-08-25: Revised draft received from Dasu. DFM-DFYWA_RPT_Living-on-the-edge_2021-08-25.docx . "I am attaching the final report as prepared by Mr Venkatesh with this mail. You may please get the DFM and SSHRC logos added on the cover as you suggested and upload it on the DFM website. Please send the link once it has been published digitally so we can start sharing it to other interested parties."
2021-07-16: Reviewer comments from Derek to Dasu. See "appraisal". "I think there’s real potential for an academic publication from the report. I realize this may not be your priority, but I would be happy to discuss options for helping you to transform it into an academic article if you were interested. Ratana is also putting together an e-book on outputs from the scoping phase of the project for a public audience, and we’d love to include a short piece from DFYWA in that. The volume will be free and written in accessible language, with lots of illustrations, so should be a good way to get our preliminary findings out." DFM-DFYWA_RPT_Living-on-the-edge_DRAFT-01_comments-DJ.docx
2021-04-22: Draft received from Dasu
DFM Mizoram and Manipur scoping report
- 30-40 pages scoping study report.
- Subject to modifications agreed upon with the Project Director, the report will follow the report structure given in the document DFM Guideline: Scoping report structure.
2022-01-13: Derek requests that we suspend the Zotero work. Derek will write to Ramachandrudu with comments from this report, to guide the Telangana deliverables.
2022-01-11: Sent to Wae Win. TASK:
2021-10-05: Comments from Derek. Suggestion to add more empirical description of value chain and links to primary demographic data, which should be provided. To be copy-edited with DFM Central; send specific questions to Ramachandrudu as they emerge
2021-08-06: Under review. TODO: Derek to complete review by 2021-08-11; schedule copy editing (language and presentation)
2021-06-14: Draft report submitted. DFM_RPT_VSS_Scoping-report.doc
DFM Thailand Review of government policies related to dried fish
- Government polices related to dried fish will be reviewed and a report produced on them.
DFM Thailand literature review
- A written report will be produced, with summary tables, figures, and charts. The report will serve as a basis for a journal publication.
- The Department of Fisheries has rich data sets about fisheries and fish products, which will be analyzed to provide an overview of the types, volume, and value of dried fish products, nationally and by province. The review will include inland and freshwater capture fisheries, as well as major aquaculture fisheries that supply raw materials to the dried fish products. This will be supplemented by import and export data of key commercial dried fish products.
- Time series analysis will also be conducted on these data sets to look at patterns and changes that may have taken place in the last 10 years.
- In addition to DoF data, the overview report will also include review of literature.
Check with NOVA. This report can focus on analysis of secondary data, not just publications specifically related to dried fish. It will be useful to have market data, etc., in a distinct report prior to the final Scoping report.
2021-03-12: Few Thai publications discovered by the team. Available literature was used in guiding the scoping research. NOVA is working on this.
DFM West Bengal Markets and market segments overview
This corresponds to "Scoping Report #1" from the original TOR.
- Report of approximately 50 pages
- Summarizes the main segments and issues in dried fish value chains in West Bengal
@ericthrift Thanks! I hope you don't mind that the findings are with bullet points. I have finished Bangladesh key location report two weeks ago, just in case you missed it.
@waewinkhaing I think 650 words should be OK. I should have time to format and send out the report today or tomorrow. Thanks!
Dried Fish in West Bangal_Summary.docx
This summary is a bit long because the original report has a lot of points to cover. The current word count of the summary is approx. 650. Let me know if you want me to trim it down.
2022-02-11: @waewinkhaing -- please create a summary document. See the instructions under the Myanmar consumption survey.
2022-02-10: FINAL REVISION
2022-01-14: Comments from Eric
We don't actually want to request a new revision of this document, but I anticipate that you will be building upon each of the sections of this text in your subsequent reports, so I've put together a list of questions you might want to consider as you write about these topics further (attached). Please take these as suggestions for further points to discuss as the research progresses, rather than as a critique of your current report. Overall this is a very interesting and useful report, which I think has the potential to generate significant discussion as a Working Paper distributed by Dried Fish Matters.
Let's get this report cleaned and copy-edited, and out to our network in the next couple of weeks if we can. If you have the time to create a 1-2 page summary of key findings in lay terms, I could post that to our blog to accompany the full document.
2022-02-09: Updated file received from Raktima.
This final version of the report sketching out the dried fish production scenes of coastal West Bengal, sees the light of the day - we are grateful to the DFM Central team and IITK research group. I am happy that the report has come out to be the first output as well as a starting point of my PhD research on dried fish. We are really excited to find it as a published report with the DOI status attached to it.
Please note that the author arrangement for the report has been changed and here goes the final author order: Raktima Ghosh, Jenia Mukherjee, Amrita Sen, Souradip Pathak, Anuradha Choudry and Shreyashi Bhattacharya. The report is certainly the outcome of the active participation of Dr. Anuradha Choudry and Ms. Shreyashi Bhattacharya during the field visits.
2022-01-14: Comments sent by Eric to the DFM West Bengal team. Now move to copy-editing and prepare release.
2022-01-03: Update from Raktima.
Revisions are in DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_2021-06.pdf
2021-12-03: Comments from Derek.
I have gone through the current Google docs version of the Scoping Report. It’s an excellent synthesis reference document. I made some minor edits, but will leave a more thorough language edit to our internal DFM process. I added three minor comments. As soon as you can address these final comments, we can move forward with the final language edit and formatting of the report.
I do think it would be useful to have the glossary for this report as well as the market study report so I would request that you provide the glossary for this report. There is no big rush on that. We can integrate the glossary after the final DFM edit is finished, which I don’t expect will be completed until early January.
2021-10-18: Comments from Derek.
I like very much the additions that you have made and think that the report is now much stronger. I have made some edits and inserted a number of additional comments requesting clarifications at various points in the text. ... In the next submitted version of the report, please separate out the final section on Immediate Research Plans and Subsequent Actions. I think there’s no need for that as part of the report, rather, it is the basis for a further discussion among us about your plan for the coming six months." DFM_RPT_IITK-Scoping_2021-10-18_DJ-comments.docx
2021-08-18: Updated draft received from Raktima.
2021-07-19: Returned to Jenia with comments from Derek. Requested section addressing methods.
2021-06-27: Draft received from Jenia. DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_2021-06.pdf
DFM Thailand summary report on dried fish value chain governance
- The report will address the governance structure of dried fish value chain in Thailand.
DFM Thailand scoping report
- The report will be 30-40 pages long.
- It will identify the stakeholders and their locations, important locations, and diverse value chains in Thailand with key issues affecting the value chains.
- Rapid appraisal report will include:
- Inventory and mapping of all key aspects of the entire dried fish value chain
- An inventory of dried fish products available in main supermarkets and major fresh markets in BMA
- Rough sketches of the dried fish value chains
- Identification of hotspots
2022-01-24: Received from Ratana.
As previously mentioned, the report contains the three contributions that we made to the DFM E-book. We hope you enjoy reading the report and we look forward to receiving your feedback and to the discussion.
2022-02-10: Update from Ratana.
We are working on the report that will include literature review, the results of the initial scoping study, the review of policy and governance, which we owe you. We're working on this in parallel with the contribution to the e-book, and thus will aim to deliver it on January 15 or shortly after that.
Proposal to review the agreement / research plan at that time, potentially reconsidering the role for Nova due to travel restrictions imposed by MUN.
Derek proposes organizing a webinar.
2021-03-12: Most field research completed, other than East coast and two provinces under lockdown near Bangkok. Expected completion in April 2021.
2021-03: Agreed to combine "Report on rapid appraisal of dried fish value chains" into the Scoping report, with reflection on the contribution of “pre-Scoping” exploratory research to the data process. Suggested to provide some figures and tables prior to the final report, to assist comparative study. Specifically: list of fish species, table of imported/exported products, geographic data (for mapping in late 2021).
DFM Andhra Pradesh Report on the secondary data analysis
- 20 to 40 page report
- Should Include all secondary data on dried fish in India with a specific focus on Andhra Pradesh
- Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database
See the e-book contribution?
DFM Gujarat literature review
- Report of 20-40 pages in length
- Should review secondary data from various sources including export data from MPEDA, NSSO consumption survey, Nutrition evaluation studies conducted by fisheries research institutions and Agricultural universities
- Should review policies related to the fisheries sector and make an assessment of their on the conduct and performance of the dried fish economy
- Should include the annual budget analysis of the state with a view to assess fiscal priorities with respect to fisheries in general and dried fish in particular.
- Should identify areas for further investigation
- Should include a review of literature of fisheries in Gujarat.
DFM Gujarat policy review
DFM Gujarat policy review_Summary.docx
Hi Eric @ericthrift Since the original report is a descriptive analysis of policies and schemes, I am afraid that major points that I got from the report might not be agreed. Could you please check? If you think I have to go through it again, please let me know. I am happy to go through it again.
2022-03-07: Received the updated Appendix 3 table from Tara. Generated PDF; added to Zotero library. To be posted on the blog once the summary is ready.
@ericthrift Hi Eric, I have not finished this one. I do not work this week because I have a presentation for Derek on Tuesday. I am planning to work on this one next week.
2022-03-04: Waiting for updated appendix table (export figures) from Tara.
@waewinkhaing Hi Wae Win, do you have a summary for this one as well?
@ericthrift -- Got it, thank you! I will start working on them from Monday.
2022-02-11: @waewinkhaing -- please create a summary document. See the instructions under the Myanmar consumption survey.
2022-01-13: Follow-up exchange between Eric and Tara. The May 02 version (with copy-edits by Steven) can be considered final. Requested citation checks on p. 9, p. 10, and table 3 as noted in the comments. Suggested releasing the report in the first week of February; offered to write a 1-2 page lay summary for the blog if Tara does not have time; proposed a 45-minute presentation (25-minute presentation of the report followed by 15-20 minutes discussion).
2022-01-12: @ericthrift check with Tara. Himani was asking about the report, but we're not sure if Tara is still working on it? This was returned to Tara and Himani 2021-03-09 with a request from Derek for some minor revisions.
2021-05-02: (UPDATED): Edited report returned by Tara. "As Steven Smelz starts working on this draft I will also give it a complete reading. I am sure Himani will also find some time to read the draft." Derek responded that the report should not require further substantive revisions.
2021-09-08. With TARA for revision; working on the report.
2021-05-10: Zotero references checked/added by Steven Smeltz; text copyedited based on version from Tara. Still need to insert some missing citations
2021-03-09: Returned to authors with comments by Derek:
I have gone through the revised version of the report and want to reiterate what a marvelously clear and valuable document it is. Sorry that I took so long to get to it. I have only a few minor points, questions, and observations to make. Only a couple of points require follow-up from you: I ask for supporting evidence in a few places, and have a question about fish meal on page 10. Otherwise, I have made a few minor edits, mostly moving from Indian to International English, and pointed out things that particularly struck me, including a few promising points to purse for further analysis, research, and writing. Please take a few minutes to check through my points and, if possible, add the small amount of supporting evidence that I request. Once you send us the final version of the report, we will prepare it for publication and then post it on the DFM website for public consumption.
2020-12-03: Draft (“reworked paper”) received from Tara Nair
2020-01-12: First draft
Report on marine fish landings in Karnataka
- Report of 20-40 pages analyzing fish harvesting data on the Karnataka coast supplied by NETFISH
- Contains graphs and illustrations
2022-02-17: Sent by Prasanna.
Please find attached a report on fish landings in Karnataka's major harbors. We (the DFM Karnataka team) have prepared this report by analyzing a very unique database on fish harvests in Karnataka coast. The database was provided to us by NETFISH, who have been immensely cooperative in our DFM efforts (such as conducting survey interviews). This exercise will help in further cementing our partnership with NETFISH, which will be beneficial for our upcoming DFM initiatives.
The main purpose of this report is to gain a clear idea about the catch profile of the fisheries of coastal Karnataka. Uniqueness of this data comes from the fact that it is almost a real-time census of fish landings in the major harbors of Karnataka, thus reducing estimation errors while also providing a comprehensive picture of the fisheries. For example, we find that the Indian Oil Sardine fishery has dramatically declined even as the share of trash fish increased. Currently available databases in India do not capture such developments. This allows us to map the fisheries resources which can be helpful, for example, in understanding dried fish supply scenarios across the Karnataka coast and hence an important report in dried fish resource mapping in Karnataka context. It only helps that the dried fish producer surveys under DFM were also conducted around these same harbor areas on which we will be doing our analysis sooner.
We intend to use this report in creating a bilingual booklet (in English and Kannada) for further dissemination into the community by conducting a couple of workshops and giving back to the community who were instrumental in data collection. This will also create an opportunity for us to engage with the stakeholders and policymakers.
Given this relevance for the booklet, I request you to consider it as one of the deliverables for DFM Karnataka team. To make the formal printed booklet we may need a forward from Prof Derek Johnson, for which, Dr. Jyotishi will be reaching out to him separately.
DFM Karnataka production and market survey
- Report on pilot visits and survey of the dried fish production and wholesale markets in Karnataka, India.
- Around 20 page report on the pilot study with photographic illustrations.
- The report should summarize preliminary findings and outline changes to the research plan that the pilot visits and survey reveal.
2022-04-25: Response from Amal.
We will revise the document based on your comments. You may (including yourself and Eric) like to find someone to take forward this to a publishable work. If it requires a few quick visits to some of the markets, we can do that as well. However, let's do it once we have a clear idea of some of the gaps for a research paper. How to thematically position it as a paper is also an important question. I was thinking putting it in the context like " Role of markets in the domestic food system" could be a plausible option. The thematic area would guide us to figure out important literature.
2022-04-23: Response from Derek.
Some of the mark-up is simply to note points that I thought were particularly interesting or valuable. Some of my comments are pointers or thoughts for future research. Others comments are suggestions for small revisions to the report.
I really like the report. It is very informative, clear, well-written, and provides a first rate example for DFM of the kinds of outputs we were hoping for from the scoping. The figures, tables, and pictures are also excellent supplements to the text. The pictures are great. Really, it’s an excellent piece of work and a great basis for follow up research.
I don’t expect any significant revisions to the report, but do have several fairly minor requests for changes as follows:
- Please provide us a version in Word so that we can format the report according to the DFM report template and do a minor language edit. The language overall, though is excellent. Just a few changes to prepositions and other minor edits needed.
- Please insert the tables and figures into the body of the text at appropriate places. It is awkward to have to go back and forth to appendices while reading the report.
- You mention in the introduction and conclusion that this study is one of only a few on dried fish marketing in Karnataka. It would be valuable if you could be more specific. What is the other work? How is the research that you report different from the other references on the subject?
- You state on page 9 that the diversity of species dried has declined yet it still seems that lots of species are being dried. Can you provide any more detail on this decline?
- You note in several places striking declines in the number of processors and traders. Is there any evidence of consolidation and growth in size among the remaining operators?
- You don’t mention online marketing at all. Did this come up in the research, particularly as a response to Covid?
- After such a fine market study, your main recommendation for more infrastructural support to df processors, particularly for better driers, doesn’t seem to fully capture the implications of your careful research. Your research suggests that a major transition is taking place in the dried fish sector that likely requires a more comprehensive evaluation of the drivers of change and probably a multi-faceted response that includes attention to questions of fisheries management, institutional supports for actors and organizations involved in dried fish trading, attention the specific needs of women producers and traders, and consideration of changing consumer preferences.
I would appreciate it if you could take a small amount of time to consider my suggestions here and my comments on the manuscript. I’d be curious to read your responses to some of my comments in a further layer of mark up from your side on the attached draft along with a second new revised version of the report. I don’t think addressing my suggestions should take much time, and some are just matters for further reflection and work at a later stage.
2022-03-10: received from Prasanna.
DFM Bangladesh report on food security and nutrition
- The report should be approximately 30 pages, not including technical appendices
- Should provide an in-depth anthropological analysis of how cultural and social norms shape dried fish consumption in selected locations, with reference to cultural practices, concepts of nutrition, and social class and status
- Should include indicative nutritional values of different dried fish species popularly consumed (not based on direct lab testing), in comparison with those of other animal proteins
Methodological summary document
- Compendium of questionnaires and other research instruments used in field research by the DFM Karnataka team
- Provides a summary of field research and trainings completed
DFM Gujarat field survey compilation
- Compilation of anonymized interview transcripts or notes for DFM internal project database.
- May provide a list of key points or themes observed in the data.
DFM Gujarat report on the rapid survey on dried fish value chains in Gujarat
- Report of 20-40 pages in length
- Should have details of the different participants, methods involved in the survey.
- The report comprehensively maps the macroeconomic geography of dried fish value chain in Gujarat.
- The report will detail the social and market linkages (actors, roles, relationships, sites of activities, internal and external) that characterise the different segments of the dried fish value chain in the state.
- The report will compile species composition of dried fish at the major landing/ processing sites and markets by organised and artisanal sectors.
- The report will also have the materials and methods used in sorting and drying different fishes across sites
2022-01-18: Email update from Tara. Setback due to COVID but the report preparation is on track.
We have completed all the surveys (details below). I would like to also include the rapid survey report of Jafrabad along with this. Some extra information has been collected. I will revise the draft and submit. ... The data entry is about to get over. We will be able to submit the reports on time.
Scoping Survey Update Type Veraval Kutch Nalsarovar Total Processors 41 33 35 109 Fishers 31 - 5 36 Wholesalers 11 5 - 16 Retailers 28 2 5 35 Total 111 40 45 196
2022-01-10: Email from Tara -- "The scoping surveys in Gujarat are all over. Currently, data entry is going on. I will mail the progress reports in a couple of days."
2021-02-22: Reviewed by Derek
2021-02-18: Jafrabad rapid scoping research completed; field report submitted.
DFM Andhra Pradesh Report on the primary data analysis by CESS
- Should be a report of 20 to 40 Pages
- Should include the analysis of primary data that is available at CESS
DFM Sri Lanka fisher and producer focus group reports
- Should include a compilation of interview transcripts.
- Should provide a brief methodological overview (location, recruitment procedures, number of participants, etc.).
- May provide a list of key points or themes, but should not provide detailed analysis.
DFM Cambodia scoping report
Current ACTION ITEMS for Gayathri
- Complete revisions of the Scoping Report, addressing structure/signposting and other comments from Derek in the report.
- Urgently submit the SSHRC F300 from CEPA, with signatures by Gayathri and a financial officer, indicating a closing balance of $0 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
- Send full-resolution images with an explanatory document containing image descriptions (photographer, locations, dates) OR upload directly following the instructions at
- Share a folder with anonymized interview summaries or transcripts and accompanying NVivo data (including codebook) exported in REFI-QDA format.
- Identify data sources for the maps and share a plan for working with RAs to recreate some or all of the maps in the report using GIS tools (based on quantitative or descriptive data).
- Develop an expression of interest, if applicable, for follow-up research in Cambodia.
2022-03-02: Gayathri writes back. Promises to have a revised version by the end of next week.
2022-02-23: Derek writes to Gayathri.
2022-02-08: Gayathri promises to finalize the report in the next couple of weeks.
Waiting for revisions...
2021-05-25: Revised outline sent by Gayathri (DFM_RPT_KHM-Scoping-revised-outline)
2021-04-21: Editorial meeting (Gayathri, Derek, Eric)
2021-02-20: Draft submitted by Gayathri Lokuge (DFM_RPT_KHM-Scoping-report_DRAFT.docx)
Scoping report
- Report of at least 40 pages in length summarizing the existing literature and new knowledge created by the DFM Karnataka team. MAY be revised for submission as a journal article.
- Includes details of the different participants, methods involved in the research activities.
- Comprehensively maps the macroeconomic geography of dried fish value chain in Karnataka.
- Details the social and market linkages (actors, roles, relationships, sites of activities, internal and external) that characterize the different segments of the dried fish value chain in the state.
- Compiles species composition of dried fish at the major landing/ processing sites and markets by organized and artisanal sectors.
- Indicates the materials and methods used in sorting and drying different fishes across sites.
- Includes a review of secondary data from various sources including export data from Department of Fisheries, MPEDA, CMFRI, Consumption survey and Nutritional evaluation studies conducted by State Government, among others.
- Analyzes secondary literature to provide an overview of the types, volume and value of dried fish products, nationally and by province. This will be supplemented by import and export data of key commercial dried fish products. Time series analysis should also be conducted on these data sets to look at patterns and changes that may have taken place in the last 10 years.
- Reviews policies related to the fisheries sector and make an assessment of their on the conduct and performance of the dried fish economy
- Includes the annual budget analysis of the state with a view to assess fiscal priorities with respect to fisheries in general and dried fish in particular.
- Identifies priority areas for further investigation within the scope of the mandate of DFM.
DFM Andhra Pradesh Report or chapter
- The Report should be 20 to 40 Page report
- Should identify both formal and informal institutions facilitating as well as impeding dry fish sector activities both at micro and macro levels.
- Should identify and detail the strength and weakness of various actors or institutions involved in the dried fish value chains and governance.
- The Report should discus potential sources and types of interventions will be explored at a later stage.
DFM Bangladesh policy inventory and gap analysis report
The report should be approximately 20-30 pages, not including technical appendices, and should include the following elements:
- An overview of existing policies on fish and dried fish
- An identification of policy gaps
- An evaluation of the policy formulation process, describing the participation of different stakeholders
- An assessment of implementation gaps
- A list of possible policy interventions
- An assessment of key governance issues such as the role of local government, policies for common-property water bodies, and management structures
- An assessment of the use of chemicals and the impact of policies concerning their import, sale, and use.
Not yet started?
DFM Sri Lanka nutrition study
- The report should be approximately 20-30 pages, not including technical appendices.
- Should provide a detailed presentation of hypotheses, methods, results, and implications/applications of the findings.
2022-04-21: Written, and with professional language editing service.
2022-01-31: Dilanthi:
Prof Yasodha Hirimuthugoda and Dr Maduka Subodini is working on the nutritional review report (one thesis compiled on this and uploaded to Zotero).
DFM Telangana Scoping study
- 30-40 pages scoping study report.
- Subject to modifications agreed upon with the Project Director, the report will follow the report structure given in the document DFM Guideline: Scoping report structure.
@ericthrift Send sample reports to Ramachandrudu
DFM Sri Lanka wholesale and retail research report
- Should include a compilation of interview transcripts.
- Should provide a brief methodological overview (location, recruitment procedures, number of participants, etc.)
- May provide a list of key points or themes, but should not provide detailed analysis.
DFM Andhra Pradesh Report on value chains including the retail segment
- The report should be 20 to 40 pages in length.
- The report should identify different consumer segments.
- The report will also highlight the important of dried fish in the food basket of the consumers.
DFM Andhra Pradesh Field Survey on value chains including the retail segment
- Compilation of anonymized interview transcripts or notes for DFM internal project database.
- May provide a list of key points or themes observed in the data.
DFM Gujarat report on value chain financing of dried fish
- Report of 40 to 60 pages in length (this could be considered part b for the preceding report, so as to reduce the need for duplication of material from the dried fish value chains survey report. In that case, the report may be shorter)
- Report should include:
- the major actors and relationships that exist within the financing arrangements prevalent in the dried fish value chain in the major production/processing centres in the state.
- the different financial relationships within the value chain and examine the efficiency of each of them from the point of view of its conduct and governance;
- how financial relationships improve or hinder overall livelihood security of households and enterprises.
DFM Gujarat financing survey compilation
- Compilation of anonymized interview transcripts or notes for DFM internal project database.
- May provide a list of key points or themes observed in the data.
DFM Bangladesh scoping report
- A 50-60 page scoping report, including (but not limited to) the following elements.
- Map/s and lists identifying key geographical locations for each value chain segment
- Lists of species dried (with local and scientific names) and types of product
- Detailed descriptions of the fisheries from which these originate
- Detailed descriptions of the methods used to process fish
- Detailed descriptions of various types of trader and their practices
- Detailed descriptions of the practices of retailers and the behavior of consumers who purchase from them
- Estimates of volumes of dried fish products produced and traded
- Estimates of numbers of actor (disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, etc) in each segment of the chain
- Analysis of the socioeconomic context that shapes dried fish production and consumption
- Analysis of how numbers of actors/volumes of dried fish/dried fish prices have changed within the past decade
- Analysis of drivers of change and perceptions of major threats and opportunities facing the sector
2022-03-30: Response from MOSTAFA.
We just had along zoom meeting on 28 March, participated by all DFM-BD members.
We discussed our progress regarding all the DFM deliverables. Among all the deliverables, our first priority are two - the completion of Literature review and the scoping report. Following Derek's comment, we have been working on the two documents.
The scoping report...we are revising following Derek's feedback and will be finalized soon. Now the JU Team and BAU team are working separately on the deliverable and the two team will work jointly and exclusively on the DFM-BD for three days - 17, 18 and 19 April in JU campus.
Regarding scoping report, along with Professor Mostafa, I like to add that, we received a comment on December 31, 2021, however, four JU members got COVID in January. It took time to recover, then we got busy with the year-ending exams. We will try to finish the tasks but I think, we have to do them one at a time. I hope you will understand.
Derek sent extensive comments December 31
2021-12-31: Received from Mostafa.
Please find attached the first draft of the scoping report. This is 31st and I wanted to send you the report. However, DFM-BD team members would like to update the draft further. Please send your comments on our first draft. At this stage, that would be really helpful to update the report.
Scoping-report_DFM-BD Draft 31.12.2021.docx
DFM Sri Lanka scoping report
A 50-60 page scoping report, including (but not limited to) the following elements:
- Map/s and lists identifying key geographical locations for each value chain segment
- Lists of species dried (with local and scientific names) and types of product
- Detailed descriptions of the fisheries from which these originate
- Detailed descriptions of the methods used to process fish
- Detailed descriptions of various types of trader and their practices
- Detailed descriptions of the practices of retailers and the behavior of consumers who purchase from them
- Estimates of volumes of dried fish products produced and traded
- Estimates of numbers of actor (disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, etc.) in each segment of the chain
- Analysis of the socioeconomic context that shapes dried fish production and consumption.
- Analysis of how numbers of actors/volumes of dried fish/dried fish prices have changed within the past decade.
- Analysis of drivers of change and perceptions of major threats and opportunities facing the sector.
2022-04-20: Scoping report is complete, with Nireka for editing
DFM Gujarat report on consultative workshop on Dried Fish in Gujarat
- Report of 10 to 20 pages in length
- Will capture the main proceedings of the workshop
- The report will also include recommendations on the potential areas of interest for the DFM Gujarat Team.