MEL Data

From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 14:44, 9 February 2022 by DFM-Cyborg (talk | contribs) (Updated from

This document is part of the Dried Fish Matters Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning workflow. Deliverables listed here are taken from the Terms of Reference (Schedule B) of contracts between the University of Manitoba and partner organizations for Scoping Research.

Name Description Comments Due
DFM Mizoram and Manipur visual data report
  • A set of photographs and/or videos illustrating key aspects of the social economy of dried fish in Telangana.
  • These should have metadata with place, date, and photographer.
  • Images where faces are visible should only be shared if consent for the photographs has been obtained.
  • Following consultation with VSS, images may be used for DFM Website, presentations, publications, or promotional materials.

Images have been imported to the wiki; this will allow for gallery visualization and reuse in other contexts.

2021-08: Extracted images (Eric). Embedded images are mostly in high resolution so can be used in the current format; we would still like to have versions without the visual overlay of GPS coordinates. Need to obtain additional metadata and descriptive text.

2021-03-24: Draft report received. DFM_RPT_VSS_NE-States-visual-documentation.docx

DFM Myanmar Online library
  • Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.
  • An English-language abstract and/or translated title should be provided for each item.
  • Digital resources should be attached to the library items where available.
  • Particularly significant print resources should be digitized and included in the library.

2022-02-09: The final version of the consumption survey contains a bibliography with seven references.

DFM Myanmar Consumption report_4 Nov_BB_Final.docx

2021-05: Steven Smeltz added citations to DFM Myanmar literature review. We have 33 here altogether, which should be gathered into a single collection. Note these are actually international sources, rather than local ones.

2021-08-06: Currently there is only one reference in the Zotero library

DFM Bangladesh online database of dried fish and fish species
  • Based on field data and photographs
  • Includes all significant species for dried fish production in Bangladesh
DFYWA Visual documentation
  • A set of photographs and/or videos illustrating key aspects of the social economy of dried fish in coastal Andhra Pradesh.
  • These should have metadata with place, date, and photographer.
  • Images where faces are visible should only be shared if consent for the photographs has been obtained.
  • Following consultation with DFYWA, images may be used for DFM Website, presentations, publications, or promotional materials.

2021-11-18: Created "Blue Justice" video based on images in wiki.

2021-11-09/10: Eric uploading via Upload Wizard, using Category:DFYWA.

2021-09-06: Set of 268 photos shared by Dasu via Google Drive.

DFYWA Data sharing
  • Uploading compilation of all interviews conducted using UM funding to DFM internal project database.
  • Each interview record would give date, duration, location, and interviewer along with a summary list of key points from the interview.
  • DFYWA commits to storing interview notes or transcripts for the duration of the project and for two years after the project’s conclusion in case project participants wish to request access to greater detail on particular topics from them.
  • Identifying information on interview participants to be kept separately from anonymized interview notes and/or transcripts.
DFM Mizoram and Manipur compilation of interviews
  • An anonymized listing of interviews conducted with date, place, type of value chain actor, and a summary of key points from each interview.
  • This list will serve as an index to the data for other members of the DFM project team who may request access to parts of the data if needed.

2022-02-09: We have the questionnaire, but not the list of interviews. This may be difficult for Ramachandrudu to obtain. Should we archive this deliverable?

2021-10-05: Meeting with Ramachandrudu. Data are available as scanned or typed notes, in some cases listed in a spreadsheet. RAMACHANDRUDU should attach a copy of the questionnaire as an appendix to the Scoping Report and supply the interview summaries.

DFM Myanmar Thematic codebook 2021-03-31
DFM Thailand Zotero collection
  • Gray literature references and other references identified during literature review uploaded to Zotero with metadata

2021-08-06: Added collection contents to the deliverable description page.

2021-03-01: 17 items in DFM Thailand Zotero collection. No local sources have been located for inclusion.

DFM Karnataka compilation of interviews
  • An anonymized listing of interviews conducted with date, place, type of value chain actor, and a summary of key points from each interview. This list will serve as an index to the data for other members of the DFM project team who may request access to the data if needed.
  • Alternatively, the research team may simply choose to upload the full transcripts or notes from each interview with the background information noted in the previous point.
DFM Thailand addition of data to DFM internal database
  • Compilation of anonymized interview transcripts or notes for DFM internal project database.
  • May provide a list of key points or themes observed in the data.
DFM Myanmar Database of anonymized field data 2021-12-15
DFM Gujarat budget and policy documents Zotero collection
  • Relevant budget and policy documents uploaded to Zotero and tagged with metadata .
DFM Gujarat Zotero collection
  • Gray literature references and other references identified during literature review uploaded to Zotero with metadata
2021-08-06: Added collection contents to the DFM Gujarat Zotero collection description page. There are 22 items in the DFM India / Panchasara-Gujarat collection, many of which are local publications. (References from the global literature review?) Need to check metadata. 2021-12-30
DFM Karnataka visual documentation
  • A set of photographs and/or videos illustrating key aspects of the social economy of dried fish in Karnataka State, India.
  • These should have metadata with the place, date, and photographer.
  • Images, where faces are visible, should only be shared if consent for the photographs has been obtained.
  • Following consultation with VSS, images may be used for the DFM Website, presentations, publications, or promotional materials.
DFM Karnataka Zotero library
  • Gray literature references and other references identified during literature review uploaded to Zotero with metadata.
2021-08-06: Added collection contents to the DFM Karnataka Zotero library description page. There are 7 items in the DFM India / Karnataka collection, one of which is blank. 2021-12-31
DFM Bangladesh thematic codebook
  • Should provide a list of analytic and thematic codes with brief definitions
  • May provide memos concerning the context and application for codes by the team
DFM Bangladesh online database of field records
  • May be provided as records in a shared QDA database format (Atlas.ti, Nvivo)
  • Should include both content and thematic codes attached to each record
DFM Telangana compilation of interviews
  • An anonymized listing of interviews conducted with date, place, type of value chain actor, and a summary of key points from each interview. This list will serve as an index to the data for other members of the DFM project team who may request access to parts of the data if needed.
  • Alternatively, the research team may simply choose to upload the full transcripts or notes from each interview with the background information noted in the previous point.
DFM Sri Lanka database of anonymized field data
  • May be provided as records in a shared QDA database format (Atlas.ti; Nvivo)
  • Should include both content and thematic codes attached to each record

anonymized field data

Dear Eric

Herewith I am sending the completed transcripts of our filed work

I will send the FGD reports soon

Best Regards


-- Dilanthi Koralagama (PhD. The Netherlands, MSc. VietNam-Norway, BSc. Sri Lanka) Senior Lecturer Dept. of Agric. Economics Faculty of Agriculture University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka

DFM Telangana Visual documentation
  • A set of photographs and/or videos illustrating key aspects of the social economy of dried fish in Telangana.
  • These should have metadata with place, date, and photographer. Images where faces are visible should only be shared if consent for the photographs has been obtained.
  • Following consultation with VSS, images may be used for DFM Website, presentations, publications, or promotional materials.
DFM Sri Lanka thematic codebook
  • Should provide a list of analytic and thematic codes with brief definitions.
  • May provide memos concerning the context and application for codes by the team.
DFM West Bengal database
  • Sharing of anonymized data or records of interviews undertaken as per agreed upon format in, e.g., Atlas.ti or Excel.

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