Mapping, visualizing, and aesthetics

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Revision as of 08:30, 16 August 2023 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Created notes for discussion at Kolkata)
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Discussion notesDiscussion notes


  • Visualization-as-mapping ideas (interactive GIS). “Represent information about dried fish value chains through static or interactive maps, depicting significant sites as well as flows of commodities and people between those sites.”
  • Proposed design criteria for marker maps and flow maps – Note the challenges of coding qualitative geographic data in a standardized way, but also the challenges of generating “manual” maps that are technically sophisticated
  • Questions for discussion: What information have we gathered about the spatial arrangement of dried fish value chains? Can we turn our data into coordinates and flow estimates? What simple maps can we produce across the different research sites?

Visualizing and aesthetics

EXHIBITION (University of Winnipeg Anthropology Museum)

SSHRC Connection Grants:

  • 12-month implementation; 4 application intakes per year
  • up to $50K funding from SSHRC (more if justified); 50% matching contributions required (i.e., $50K SSHRC + $25K matching)
  • require letters of support from partner institutions, from someone with signing authority from that institution. NB organizations cannot be both sponsors and contractors.
  • DFM or other SSHRC funds do not count towards matching funds
  • expectation of concrete deliverables
  • under the "outreach activities" category: "proposed outreach activities must be designed to engage a broader public in social sciences and humanities knowledge through one or a combination of the following: knowledge dissemination, transfer, brokering, translation, synthesis, exchange, networking or co-creation beyond what would typically be achieved through an event".
  • need to show knowledge mobilization in Canada, as well as justification for doing so internationally
  • co-applicant eligibility is the same as for Partnership Grants (i.e., affiliation with postsecondary institution). "Collaborators" can be more broad, but do not receive funding.
  • the funds cannot be used to pay for research activities.
  • evaluation considers knowledge mobilization impacts and "training and mentoring" ("quality of training and mentoring to be provided to students, emerging scholars and other highly qualified personnel, and opportunities for them to contribute")

Participants or audiences, in Canada and abroad, for both events and outreach activities, can include, among others:

  • academic researchers;
  • non-academic researchers;
  • policy makers;
  • professional practitioners;
  • representatives from public, private or not-for-profit organizations;
  • representatives from community-based, local or regional non-academic organizations; and/or
  • students at all levels.


  • travelling exhibition in turnkey format. physical objects and displays that fit in a small number of boxes, and can be set up in a variety of spaces without special fixtures or equipment. Visits each of the partner institutions.
  • includes physical objects (fish, nets, drying racks), sounds, smells, photographs, stories, videos -- engaging the senses. Building on our work on "stories" and "tastes and smells". (MARE conference, e-book, ...)
  • setup: digital plug-in displays, portable signage, objects that can be laid out on tables. If wall/hanging fixtures are required, we might use modular aluminum pipe (can be assembled as needed with only an allen key) and tables. We can handle this at the University of Winnipeg.
  • Objects supplied by participating researchers: maybe 50-100 images, videos, objects? All to be catalogued online, with full descriptions and metadata.
  • Physical objects may become part of of UW Anthropology Museum collections, or be on loan (temporary or permanent)
  • Catalogue essays (building on the object descriptions and ebook) -- basically a book to go along with the exhibition, about ~160 pages
  • An official opening event with speeches and tour at each of the institutions; possibly recorded or streamed