MEL West Bengal

From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 09:55, 23 December 2021 by DFM-Cyborg (talk | contribs) (Updated from

Name Description Comments Due
Blue Justice video --
Amrita Sen webinar --
DFM West Bengal Mapping of major fishing areas and groups
  • Report of 30-40 pages with supplementary bibliography.
  • Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.
  • An English-language abstract and/or translated title should be provided for each item in local language.
  • Digital resources should be attached to the library items where available
  • Particularly significant print resources should be digitized and included in the library.
DFM West Bengal Compilation of legal and institutional arrangements and procedures
  • Report of 20-30 pages listing arrangements with narrative overview and supplementary bibliography.
  • Relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database.
  • An English-language abstract and/or translated title should be provided for each item in local language.
  • Digital resources should be attached to the library items where available Particularly significant print resources should be digitized and included in the library.
DFM West Bengal scoping report 01
  • Reports or mutually agreed upon outputs of appropriate mutually agreed upon lengths to address June 2021 components
    • Mapping of market and market segments in the value chain (producers, processors, traders, and retailers)
    • Submission of ethics amendments applications where necessary for December 2021 WB components
  • Reports should contain lists, images, figures, and other illustrative materials as necessary.
  • Reports should include statements of methods, including details of participants involved and numbers of interviews or other meetings.
  • Any new relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database following the terms of reference above.

2021-12-03: Comments from Derek.

I have gone through the current Google docs version of the Scoping Report. It’s an excellent synthesis reference document. I made some minor edits, but will leave a more thorough language edit to our internal DFM process. I added three minor comments. As soon as you can address these final comments, we can move forward with the final language edit and formatting of the report.

I do think it would be useful to have the glossary for this report as well as the market study report so I would request that you provide the glossary for this report. There is no big rush on that. We can integrate the glossary after the final DFM edit is finished, which I don’t expect will be completed until early January.


2021-10-18: Comments from Derek.

I like very much the additions that you have made and think that the report is now much stronger. I have made some edits and inserted a number of additional comments requesting clarifications at various points in the text. ... In the next submitted version of the report, please separate out the final section on Immediate Research Plans and Subsequent Actions. I think there’s no need for that as part of the report, rather, it is the basis for a further discussion among us about your plan for the coming six months." DFM_RPT_IITK-Scoping_2021-10-18_DJ-comments.docx

2021-08-18: Updated draft received from Raktima. DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_2021-08-18.docx and DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_Comments-DJ_2021-06_Explanations.pdf

2021-07-19: Returned to Jenia with comments from Derek. Requested section addressing methods. DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_Comments-DJ_2021-06.pdf

2021-06-27: Draft received from Jenia. DFM_RPT_WBG-Scoping-01_2021-06.pdf

DFM West Bengal scoping report 02
  • Reports or mutually agreed upon outputs of appropriate mutually agreed upon lengths to address June 2021 components
    • Narrative on political ecology and cultural history of dried fish sector
    • Submission of ethics amendments applications where necessary for June 2022 WB components
  • Reports should contain lists, images, figures, and other illustrative materials as necessary.
  • Reports should include statements of methods, including details of participants involved and numbers of interviews or other meetings.
  • Any new relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database following the terms of reference above.
DFM West Bengal scoping report 03
  • Reports or mutually agreed upon outputs of appropriate mutually agreed upon lengths to address June 2021 components
    • Sustainability of fisheries and fishing practices
    • Enumeration of market practices at different levels of value chain
    • Trend analysis of actors in the value chain and market processes
    • Consumption analysis of dried fish with demographic trends. Analysis of socio-economic context that shapes dried fish consumption
    • Collection of case studies on various dimensions of dried fish operation by using secondary sources and primary sources
    • Identification of drivers that influence dried fish social economy (conceptual framework)
  • Reports should contain lists, images, figures, and other illustrative materials as necessary.
  • Reports should include statements of methods, including details of participants involved and numbers of interviews or other meetings.
  • Any new relevant local sources should be listed in an online library using the shared DFM Zotero project database following the terms of reference above.
DFM West Bengal final scoping report
  • 50 to 70 page report with references, glossary, maps, images, and methodological appendices
  • Final summary report of dried fish value chain first phase study for West Bengal synthesizing the methods and major findings from all components of the first phase study.
DFM West Bengal scoping knowledge mobilization
  • Should include plain-language summaries of research findings (approximately 1000 words) for distribution to participants and the public, in English and in local languages.
  • Should provide copies of any additional “knowledge mobilization” outputs generated during the scoping research, including conference presentations and media interviews.
DFM West Bengal database
  • Sharing of anonymized data or records of interviews undertaken as per agreed upon format in, e.g., Atlas.ti or Excel.

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