Scoping status VSS

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Revision as of 17:54, 3 August 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Created monitoring page for Telangana and Mizoram & Manipur.)
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Collaborating Investigator
Ramachandrudu Barigela
Transfer of Funds Agreement


Type Title Date Status
Transfer of funds Scoping 1/6 2020-01-30 COMPLETED
Transfer of funds Scoping 2/6 2020-04-20 COMPLETED
Transfer of funds Scoping 3/6 2020-05-07 COMPLETED
Transfer of funds Scoping 4/6 2020-07-24 COMPLETED
Transfer of funds Scoping 5/6 2021-01-15
Transfer of funds Scoping 6/6 2021-03-01
Deliverable Pilot visits and survey of the dried fish wholesale markets in Telangana 2020-04-01 COMPLETED
Deliverable Scoping study (Telangana) 2020-08-30
Deliverable Compilation of interviews (Telangana) 2021-01-15
Deliverable Visual documentation (Telangana) 2021-02-15
Deliverable Review of literature on dried fish in India’s northeastern states 2020-08-20 COMPLETED
Deliverable Pilot visits and survey of the dried fish production and wholesale markets in Mizoram and Manipur States, India 2020-10-20 COMPLETED
Deliverable Scoping study (Mizoram and Manipur) 2021-02-29 DRAFT
Deliverable Compilation of interviews (Mizoram and Manipur) 2021-02-29 ?
Deliverable Visual documentation (Mizoram and Manipur) 2021-03-15 DRAFT


DFM Mizoram and Manipur pilot study

DFM Mizoram and Manipur scoping report

  • 2021-06-14: Draft report submitted. DFM_RPT_VSS_Scoping-report.doc
  • 2021-08-06: Under review. TODO: Derek to complete review by 2021-08-11; schedule copy editing (language and presentation)
  • 2021-10-05: Comments from Derek. Suggestion to add more empirical description of value chain and links to primary demographic data, which should be provided. DFM_RPT_VSS_Scoping-NE-States-of-India_2021-06_DJ.doc To be copy-edited with DFM Central; send specific questions to Ramachandrudu as they emerge

DFM Mizoram and Manipur visual data report

  • 2021-03-24: Draft report received. DFM_RPT_VSS_NE-States-visual-documentation.docx
  • 2021-08: Extracted images (Eric). Embedded images are mostly in high resolution so can be used in the current format; we would still like to have versions without the visual overlay of GPS coordinates. Need to obtain additional metadata and descriptive text.
  • Import images to the wiki; this will allow for gallery visualization and reuse in other contexts.