MEL Cambodia

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This document is part of the Dried Fish Matters Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning workflow. Deliverables listed here are taken from the Terms of Reference (Schedule B) of contracts between the University of Manitoba and partner organizations for Scoping Research.

Name Description Comments Due
DFM Cambodia exploratory workshop
  • Organize and coordinate an exploratory workshop on dried fish in Cambodia
  • Prepare proceedings of the workshop and share with participants

2020-10-19: Report copy-edited by Eric and released. DFM_RPT_KHM-scoping-workshop_2020-03.pdf

2020-08-19: Comments by Derek. DFM_RPT_KHM-scoping-workshop_DRAFT_Comments-DJ_2020-08-19.docx

2020-06-15: Report submitted by Gayathri.

DFM Cambodia scoping report

Current ACTION ITEMS for Gayathri

  1. Complete revisions of the Scoping Report, addressing structure/signposting and other comments from Derek in the report.
  2. Urgently submit the SSHRC F300 from CEPA, with signatures by Gayathri and a financial officer, indicating a closing balance of $0 for the 2021-2022 fiscal year.
  3. Send full-resolution images with an explanatory document containing image descriptions (photographer, locations, dates) OR upload directly following the instructions at
  4. Share a folder with anonymized interview summaries or transcripts and accompanying NVivo data (including codebook) exported in REFI-QDA format.
  5. Identify data sources for the maps and share a plan for working with RAs to recreate some or all of the maps in the report using GIS tools (based on quantitative or descriptive data).
  6. Develop an expression of interest, if applicable, for follow-up research in Cambodia.

2022-03-02: Gayathri writes back. Promises to have a revised version by the end of next week.

2022-02-23: Derek writes to Gayathri.

2022-02-08: Gayathri promises to finalize the report in the next couple of weeks.

Waiting for revisions...

2021-05-25: Revised outline sent by Gayathri (DFM_RPT_KHM-Scoping-revised-outline)

2021-04-21: Editorial meeting (Gayathri, Derek, Eric)

2021-02-20: Draft submitted by Gayathri Lokuge (DFM_RPT_KHM-Scoping-report_DRAFT.docx)
