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From DFM Wiki
(Add info on the 4WSFC session)
(Added Mahfuz's name to "stories and recipes" -- omitted in error)
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* Introduction (Raktima, Madu): 5 minutes
* Introduction (Raktima, Madu): 5 minutes
* Stories and recipes (Raktima, Ratana): 20 minutes
* Stories and recipes (Raktima, Mahfuz, Ratana): 20 minutes
* Value chains (Wae Win, Madu, Derek): 15 minutes
* Value chains (Wae Win, Madu, Derek): 15 minutes
* Co-learning (Aklima, Eric): 15 minutes
* Co-learning (Aklima, Eric): 15 minutes

Revision as of 07:49, 20 April 2022

Building on the success of the three Dried Fish Matters roundtables at the MARE 2021 "People and the Sea" Conference, we are preparing a DFM e-book that will explore the socio-cultural value of dried fish. The e-book will be formally released on 18 June, 2022 to coincide with global observance of Sustainable Gastronomy Day.

We intend this e-book to celebrate the role of dried fish as one that is deeply "gastronomical" – in the sense of being embedded in cultural life and foodways – while also vitally linked to sustainable development. The publication will include contributions that describe dried fish products and value chains, share the stories and experiences of people who produce and sell dried fish, and reflect on our efforts to find new ways to learn and to communicate knowledge about dried fish. Individual contributions will describe preliminary results, reflect on the research process, invite readers to contemplate, present field notes or raw data, or convey the original works of research participants and collaborators.

4WSFC session

Panel overview

  • Introduction (Raktima, Madu): 5 minutes
  • Stories and recipes (Raktima, Mahfuz, Ratana): 20 minutes
  • Value chains (Wae Win, Madu, Derek): 15 minutes
  • Co-learning (Aklima, Eric): 15 minutes
  • Reflections on the writing process (Raktima, Madu): 5 minutes
  • Discussion (facilitated by Raktima and Madu): 30 minutes

Current homework for section editors

  • Look at the remaining texts for review, and ensure that no chapters have been overlooked
  • APRIL 26:
    1. Share an outline for the section presentation, with major themes and observations
    2. Select key images, including some that may be of interest for other sections; contact contributors if higher-resolution versions are needed
    3. Select brief passages for readings by the authors; contact authors to get their consent
  • MAY 02 meeting:
    1. Share draft PowerPoint for the 4WSFC session on your session
    2. Select ONE chapter for preview release (ideally one of the chapters that has a corresponding reading by the author)
    3. Ensure that all chapters have been revised and are ready for copy-editing

Editorial workflow

Meeting notes

Other resources