Talk:DFM Memo: Critical inquiry within the DFM project

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In its evaluation of an ethics protocol submitted by DFM Master's student @AlexiaP, the UManitoba ERB asked us to "clarify the DFM’s protocols to protect research staff and/or provide permission script or proof of permission to conduct this research".

This memo was prepared in response. Please feel free to comment with any questions, concerns, reservations, ideas, etc.

ERB response for Alexia

EricThrift (talkcontribs)

As noted in the "about this board" box: In its evaluation of an ethics protocol submitted by DFM Master's student @AlexiaP, the UManitoba ERB asked us to "clarify the DFM’s protocols to protect research staff and/or provide permission script or proof of permission to conduct this research". I drafted this memo in response, trying to acknowledge the project-level risks and give an indication of the protections we are committed to providing.

@DerekDFM and Fabiana: Please feel free to comment with any questions, concerns, reservations, ideas, etc.

I think we could send out an email to the DFM mailing list with (1) a paragraph introducing Alexia and her research, and (2) inviting everyone to have a look at this memo and leave comments or questions.

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