
Dried Fish in a Covid-19 world

Derek Johnson, Shakuntala Thilsted, Ben Belton

The Covid-19 pandemic illustrates powerfully and directly the degree to which globalization has created a world of interconnection. We are all struggling with the effects of the virus, but how well we are buffered in our struggles against those impacts varies dramatically by social and geographical position. The crisis is pulling back the veil on vulnerabilities in our economic mode of production while also reawakening discussions of the power of the state in moments of crisis. In many cases, we are seeing the mobilization of state apparatus to protect public health and to fend off immiseration.

The crisis has underscored how economic arrangements have a core function of sustaining populations. Essential services include those which give life. Health care of course is the most visible of these services, but the logistics of provisioning people with food is equally critical.

It is here, of course, where fisheries count. Fisheries are major players in international trade and thus the high circuits of capitalism, but fisheries are also key to food and nutrition security and population health. Fish is healthy food par excellence; on a per gram basis small fish in particular pack a greater nutritional punch than just about any other food.

The challenge with fish is perishability, hence the capital intensive cold chains that support the distribution of fish around the world.

Humans, however, have since ancient times used much simpler drying, fermenting, salting, and smoking techniques to address the perishability problem. Preservation in this way allows for the storage and long-distance trading of fish. These venerable low-cost techniques have the big advantage of permitting access to highly nutritious fish for poor and remote populations. Even very small portions of dried fish used as a condiment can have an enormous impact on dietary diversity and nutritional security.

In the Covid-19 moment, dried fish point us to overlooked chains of economic interconnection. These chains are of enormous nutritional importance that should be a central part of directed responses to the crisis. Supporting dried fish economies provides the double benefit of underpinning nutrition security while also sustaining the livelihoods of the millions of small-scale economic actors who participate in dried fish value chains. This is a moment to support and improve small-scale and informal dried fish market chains, not to shut them down as has occurred in some instances.

Dried fish are portable, storable, and affordable. They are a crucial source of nutritional security for the poor.

Programmatically, in this time of cascading health and economic crises, the Global South needs food sources that do not require expensive food chains for their provisioning. Dried fish meets this need.

Governments and civil society actors should designate the dried fish sector as an essential industry and provide it, and the fisheries and value chain actors that sustain it, policy and financial protections and supports to allow it to fulfil its critical provisioning role. Such support should recognize not only the nutritional function of dried fish, but also the many actors whose work sustains dried fish value chains. This is an opportunity to improve dried fish product quality and conditions of work of those who labour in the sector.

Specific recommendations:

  1. Develop mechanisms to assure continued supply of fish for drying
    1. Develop and implement plans for fishing practice and harbour management that ensure worker safety through social distancing and related measures
    2. Support redirection of fish to dried fish chains when other normal market channels are blocked
    3. Strengthen the rights of access of local producers to their fishing grounds and water bodies
  2. Develop and implement plans for safe operation of processing operations through physical distancing and sanitary measures
  3. Ensure the continued operation of dried fish supply chains following safe distancing and hygiene practices
  4. Permit the continued operation of retail operations servicing the poor but adjusted to allow for minimization of risk of disease transmission
  5. Develop alternative pathways for marketing fish that sustain livelihoods but protect the health of retailers and consumers such as direct to door delivery
  6. Step up efforts to integrated highly nutritious dried fish products into feeding programs for poor and vulnerable populations, including pregnant and nursing mothers and children

INGOs, bilateral donors, and Global North Civil Society organizations should recognize the critical life-sustaining role of dried fish (along with other essential agricultural sectors) in the provisioning of populations of the Global South in a time when there is a growing risk of widespread hunger due to the disruption of food producing systems. Funds, logistical support, and expertise need to be marshalled by these actors to assist governments and partners in the Global South to underwrite the continued operation of the dried fish sector and its contributions to the nutritional and employment needs of poor populations.

This post was previously published at


Report on the dried fish and fishmeal industry in Malvan, Maharashtra, India.

The Dakshin Foundation and the Dried Fish Matters (DFM) project jointly conducted a pilot study on the dried fish sector at Malvan, Maharashtra, to assess the structure, supply chain and trends of the dried fish economy, and its possible links with the fishmeal industry. Fish caught in Malvan has significantly declined in the past decade, reducing the dried fish trade as well. Dried fish trade is possibly further diminished by the development of the fishmeal industry. The study found that fish for drying may be increasingly diverted to fishmeal, as the letter is less labour-intensive and generates steady profits. The future of fish drying, therefore, appears to be under threat, primarily due to a low and unsteady supply of fish and potentially due to industries like fishmeal as well.


Extensions of the Scoping Research in India

Research in India has been extended to four new states. Dr. Amalendu Jyothishi, Dr. Priya Gupta, and Dr. Ramachandran Bhatta will lead scoping research in Karnataka. Mr. Ramachandrudu Barigela will lead a scoping research team in Mizoram and Manipur. Ms. Trisha Gupta, Mr. Ishaan Khot, and Dr. Naveen Namboothri of the Dakshin Foundation will lead scoping research in Maharashtra.

Dr. Holly Hapke and Dr. Nikita Gopal (CIFT Kochi) conducted a pre-scoping visit to Kochi in February and are preparing for engagement in a full return scoping research period in collaboration with several other members of DFM later this year.

Meetings and workshops News

DFM Scoping Research in Cambodia

The Cambodia scoping research concluded with a stakeholder workshop attended by more than fifty participants, including numerous dried fish processors. Gayathri Lokuge presented a preliminary summary of findings from the research at the workshop as the launching point for discussion of concerns and pathways forward by the participants. Gayathri is incorporating key points from the workshop into her analysis.

Read the full report of the Phnom Penh workshop here.

Gayathri’s final scoping report will be available soon and will serve as a useful point of reference for the other DFM teams that are now in the midst of their scoping research.

Meetings and workshops News

India Team Scoping Training Workshop

Meetings and workshops News

Scoping the social economy of dried fish in South and South-East Asia

This past quarter we marked the beginning of the Dried Fish Matters (DFM) Scoping Research phase, with a four-day workshop in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh held from February 20 to 25.

Attended by leaders of the DFM country and sub-country research teams, the workshop succeeded in its goals of creating synergies and building shared research approaches across our research teams in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Thailand.

Mahfuzar Rahman (Bangladesh/Canada) and Sayeed Ferdous (Bangladesh) explore the fish drying areas at Cox’s Bazar as part of a Scoping Research exploratory/training exercise

Dried Fish Matters

We are excited to announce the Dried Fish Matters partnership, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

For many of the most vulnerable peoples of the South and Southeast Asia region, dried fish is of vital nutritional, economic, social, and cultural importance. Despite this, the diverse and complex economy that produces and distributes dried fish, and the threats to it, are all but invisible in research and policy.

Selling dried fish in Cambodia. McKay Savage via Wikimedia Commons 

The Dried Fish Matters project, based at the University of Manitoba in Canada, brings an interdisciplinary team to address this major oversight.

Please visit our About page for details.

This research is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and implemented at the Department of Anthropology, The University of Manitoba.