Topic on Talk:DFM Memo: QDA software and support

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EricThrift (talkcontribs)

DFM Research Teams: Please share your answers to the following questions by selecting "Reply" below. Note that it is possible to edit your responses after submission. Thank you!

  1. Do you have any general comments to make on what is proposed in the memo?
  2. Do you already use, or have access to, NVivo or Atlas.ti?
  3. Who would be responsible for coding qualitative data in your team? (We are hoping to understand how many software licenses your team would require, and who would be attending the training workshops.)
  4. Is anyone in your team able to assist with running training workshops or providing support?
Priya (talkcontribs)

Hi Eric, We do not have access to any QDA software. From Karnataka dfm team I will be doing data analysis and coding. Therefore I will attend the training on behalf of my team. We will also need one set of licensed software for our team. We may not be able to help in training since no one is aware of usage of QDA in our team. Regards, Priya