DFM Thailand scoping report

From DFM Wiki

Terms of Reference

  • The report will be 30-40 pages long.
  • It will identify the stakeholders and their locations, important locations, and diverse value chains in Thailand with key issues affecting the value chains.
  • Rapid appraisal report will include:
    • Inventory and mapping of all key aspects of the entire dried fish value chain
    • An inventory of dried fish products available in main supermarkets and major fresh markets in BMA
    • Rough sketches of the dried fish value chains
    • Identification of hotspots




  • 2021-03: Agreed to combine "Report on rapid appraisal of dried fish value chains" into the Scoping report, with reflection on the contribution of “pre-Scoping” exploratory research to the data process. Suggested to provide some figures and tables prior to the final report, to assist comparative study. Specifically: list of fish species, table of imported/exported products, geographic data (for mapping in late 2021).
  • 2021-03-12: Most field research completed, other than East coast and two provinces under lockdown near Bangkok. Expected completion in April 2021.