Global literature review - Google Scholar search terms
From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 11:00, 9 April 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Imported the list of Google Scholar search terms from 2008. Added some explanatory notes at the top.)
This table lists the search term combinations used for the Google Scholar search in May/June 2018.
- The results listed in this table were not all included in the literature review, as some items were removed from the database or excluded from analysis on subsequent review.
- Not all results deemed "valid" necessarily had a direct correlation to the specific search term as used, but may have been retained due to their general or incidental importance to dried fish. In some cases a result item incidentally referenced a country identified in the search term but, in relation to dried fish, directly concerned a different country altogether.
- Several result items surfaced through more than one search. These items were imported repeatedly for each search then merged within Zotero.
- The dataset used in our quantitative analysis includes a small number of additional items that were discovered through examination of the literature exposed by Google Scholar, geographic literature reviews prepared by project teams, and other sources.
Search results
Search term | Valid results |
"Cured Fish" Andhra Pradesh | 9 |
"Cured Fish" Asia | 8 |
"Cured Fish" Bangladesh | 10 |
"Cured Fish" Burma | 3 |
"Cured Fish" Cambodia | 11 |
"Cured Fish" Demand | 6 |
"Cured Fish" Gender | 1 |
"Cured Fish" Gujarat | 8 |
"Cured Fish" Health | 3 |
"Cured Fish" India | 43 |
"Cured Fish" Indonesia | 10 |
"Cured Fish" Kerala | 9 |
"Cured Fish" Myanmar | 3 |
"Cured Fish" South Asia | 5 |
"Cured Fish" Southeast Asia | 3 |
"Cured Fish" Sri Lanka | 18 |
"Cured Fish" Technology | 4 |
"Cured Fish" Thailand | 14 |
"Cured Fish" Value Chains | 2 |
"Cured Fish" Value Chains" | 1 |
"Cured Fish" West Bengal | 6 |
"Dried Fish" | 19 |
"Dried Fish" "South Asia" | 1 |
"Dried Fish" Asia | 13 |
"Dried Fish" Bangladesh | 26 |
"Dried Fish" Burma | 13 |
"Dried Fish" Demand | 4 |
"Dried Fish" Economics | 2 |
"Dried Fish" Ethnography | 11 |
"Dried Fish" Food Security | 1 |
"Dried Fish" Gender | 8 |
"Dried Fish" Gujarat | 3 |
"Dried Fish" Health | 8 |
"Dried Fish" India | 37 |
"Dried Fish" Indonesia | 2 |
"Dried Fish" Kerala | 4 |
"Dried Fish" Myanmar | 7 |
"Dried Fish" Nutrition | 2 |
"Dried Fish" Southeast Asia | 6 |
"Dried Fish" Sri Lanka | 18 |
"Dried Fish" Technology | 8 |
"Dried Fish" Thailand | 3 |
"Dried Fish" Value Chains | 13 |
"Dried Fish" Wellbeing | 6 |
"Dried Fish" West Bengal | 9 |
"Dried Fish" Women | 1 |
"Dry Fish" Andhra Pradesh | 5 |
"Dry Fish" Asia | 8 |
"Dry Fish" Bangladesh | 23 |
"Dry Fish" Burma | 2 |
"Dry Fish" Cambodia | 27 |
"Dry Fish" Demand | 6 |
"Dry Fish" Food Security | 4 |
"Dry Fish" Gender | 2 |
"Dry Fish" Gujarat | 22 |
"Dry Fish" Health | 2 |
"Dry Fish" India | 22 |
"Dry Fish" Indonesia | 24 |
"Dry Fish" Kerala | 30 |
"Dry Fish" Myanmar | 1 |
"Dry Fish" Southeast Asia | 23 |
"Dry Fish" Sri Lanka | 36 |
"Dry Fish" Technology | 5 |
"Dry Fish" Thailand | 14 |
"Dry Fish" Value Chains | 12 |
"Dry Fish" West Bengal | 2 |
"Dry Fish" Women | 7 |
"Dry Fish""South Asia" | 14 |
"Fermented Fish" "South Asia" | 9 |
"Fermented Fish" Andhra Pradesh | 11 |
"Fermented Fish" Asia | 17 |
"Fermented Fish" Bangladesh | 9 |
"Fermented Fish" Burma | 9 |
"Fermented Fish" Cambodia | 13 |
"Fermented Fish" Demand | 4 |
"Fermented Fish" Food Security | 8 |
"Fermented Fish" Gender | 1 |
"Fermented Fish" Gujarat | 11 |
"Fermented Fish" Health | 9 |
"Fermented Fish" India | 29 |
"Fermented Fish" Indonesia | 12 |
"Fermented Fish" Kerala | 6 |
"Fermented Fish" Myanmar | 17 |
"Fermented Fish" Southeast Asia | 7 |
"Fermented Fish" Sri Lanka | 16 |
"Fermented Fish" Technology | 11 |
"Fermented Fish" Thailand | 1 |
"Fermented Fish" Value Chains | 2 |
"Fermented Fish" West Bengal | 12 |
"Fermented Fish" Women | 1 |
"Smoked Fish" | 1 |
"Smoked Fish" Asia | 3 |
"Smoked Fish" Bangladesh | 19 |
"Smoked Fish" Burma | 6 |
"Smoked Fish" Cambodia | 7 |
"Smoked Fish" Demand | 3 |
"Smoked Fish" Food Security | 4 |
"Smoked Fish" Gender | 6 |
"Smoked Fish" Gujarat | 3 |
"Smoked Fish" Health | 3 |
"Smoked Fish" India | 1 |
"Smoked Fish" Indonesia | 10 |
"Smoked Fish" Kerala | 3 |
"Smoked Fish" Myanmar | 6 |
"Smoked Fish" South Asia | 12 |
"Smoked Fish" Southeast Asia | 5 |
"Smoked Fish" Sri Lanka | 13 |
"Smoked Fish" Thailand | 13 |
"Smoked Fish" Value Chains | 4 |
"Smoked Fish" West Bengal | 3 |