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This document is part of the Dried Fish Matters Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning workflow. Deliverables listed here are taken from the Terms of Reference (Schedule B) of contracts between the University of Manitoba and partner organizations for Scoping Research.
DFM Kerala Dried Fish Market scoping report
- Approximately 15-20 pages in length.
- Documents methods and findings from (1) observations of market transactions and (2) interviews with key actors in the value chain (commission agents, wholesale merchants, retail vendors) at marketplaces in each district.
- Maps the fish market system of the region, tracing from where fish arrives and to what other markets it then travels.
DFM Kerala Dried Fish Processing scoping report
- Approximately 15-20 pages in length
- Documents methods and findings from survey and/or interviews with dried fish processors, indicating their different modes of operation, how they are connected to the dried fish economy and specific fish value chains, and how this has changed over time.
- Documents methods and findings from in-depth oral history interviews with 10-15 key informants, indicating how the dried fish economy has changed within the broader context of 60 years of state-led development within the fisheries sector.
DFM Kerala shared research data
- Includes a list or index of thematic codes or categories used in data analysis, with a brief definition for each code or category.
- Includes a dataset containing the full, coded text of any redacted/anonymized interview transcripts or fieldnotes used in qualitative data analysis, supplied in REFI-QDA exchange format as generated by Atlas.ti, NVivo, or a similar application.
- As applicable, includes consent/release forms signed by oral history interview participants, authorizing the archival and use by future researchers of interview recordings and/or transcripts.
DFM Kerala Synthesis report of dried fish processing, trade, and consumption
- Approximately 15-20 pages contributed to a report authored in collaboration with other members of the DFM Kerala Research Team.
- Describes how fish flows across value chain nodes, i.e., from point of capture/harvest to processing, marketing, and finally consumption and how this has changed over time.
- Analyzes labor relations within and across value chain nodes, including divisions of labor (such as gender and communal divisions), the role of financial (credit) relations in structuring the market system, and the relationship between productive, reproductive and household labor in structuring the value chain and how these have changed over time.
- Identifies potential areas for intervention, assistance, and/or advocacy, such as technology improvement, rights, credit, etc.
- Identifies areas for future, second stage, research to advance and deepen understanding of dried fish value chains and the social economy of dried fish in general.