
From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 14:51, 13 May 2022 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (New info page for project manager.)
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The website is created using a self-hosted installation of WordPress, which is the most widely-used website management software platform.

Please see for help on using the basic functions of WordPress.

To access the control panel for the Dried Fish Matters website, go to and enter your login credentials. If you do not yet have a login, you will need to have a user account created for you by a site administrator (or, if you already have a WordPress account, you may need to have editor/administrator permissions assigned).

WordPress has two types of content: "Pages" and "Posts". Pages are generic, unsorted online documents (web pages), whereas posts are dated and chronologically ordered news items or blog posts.

At the inception of this project we created several pages in WordPress introducing the project, research teams, etc. Our static pages have, for the most part, been migrated to the DFM Wiki -- public-facing pages are written in the wiki and exported periodically to the main website, excluding the internal editing links (e.g., the Research Teams pages are generated from DFM research teams on the wiki). This allows project members to sign in and create and update web pages on their own; assigning editing permissions in WordPress is possible but more of a hassle, and monitoring page edits (and reverting accidents or unwanted changes) is much easier in the wiki. New pages should be created in the DFM Wiki and assigned to Category:Public, instead of being created in WordPress. The only page that we should keep at this point is the front page of the website.

In its response to the mid-term report, the SSHRC evaluation committee requested that we update the project description pages on the website.

Use the “Posts” menu to add a news item or blog post, which will show up on the front page listed in reverse-chronological order.

Anything that is published as a “post” will immediately be sent out as a news item by e-mail to anyone who has subscribed to our blog updates, as well as to our Twitter feed. For this reason, it is important to ensure that the posts remain in draft form until they are ready for publication. The social media distribution will extract the post “description” and “featured image” when available, so setting these is always a good idea. If there are no images in the post it will present poorly on Twitter.

User permissions

The “Users” menu item lets you create or modify site users (see screenshot below). The Project Coordinator should have the “Administrator” role, which will allow them to configure the site. Anyone with the “Editor” role can create and edit content for the website. An “Author” can also create content, but cannot edit documents that were created by anyone else. New users should generally be created with the “Editor” role.

Note that contributors with lower privileges cannot edit Pages in the site; they can only edit Posts.

Screenshot of the WordPress Users menu