Help:Twitter account
Our Twitter handle is @DriedFishUM.
- Profile page:
- Login ID:
- Password: ********
All items that are published to the website as blog posts in WordPress can automatically be sent to the Twitter feed. When publishing a new post, look for the "Social media preview" button in the panel on the right. You can add a short message for the tweet, which will include a preview and link back to the blog page. This is a feature of the Jetpack service offered by Automattic; see details here:
For major project outputs, be sure to tag @SSHRC_CRSH.
For the purposes of reporting public engagement to SSHRC under knowledge mobilization, retrieve engagement statistics from See the mid-term report for a brief example of how we reported engagement in 2021. As of May 2022 we have 220 followers, which is a bit on the low side -- V2V has 394 and TBTI has 2,761.