MEL Gujarat
This document is part of the Dried Fish Matters Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning workflow. Deliverables listed here are taken from the Terms of Reference (Schedule B) of contracts between the University of Manitoba and partner organizations for Scoping Research.
Name | Description | Comments | Due |
DFM Gujarat budget and policy documents Zotero collection |
2021-12-30 | |
DFM Gujarat literature review |
2021-12-30 | |
DFM Gujarat Zotero collection |
2021-08-06: Added collection contents to the DFM Gujarat Zotero collection description page. There are 22 items in the DFM India / Panchasara-Gujarat collection, many of which are local publications. (References from the global literature review?) Need to check metadata. | 2021-12-30 |
DFM Gujarat policy review |
DFM Gujarat policy review_Summary.docx Hi Eric @ericthrift Since the original report is a descriptive analysis of policies and schemes, I am afraid that major points that I got from the report might not be agreed. Could you please check? If you think I have to go through it again, please let me know. I am happy to go through it again. 2022-03-07: Received the updated Appendix 3 table from Tara. Generated PDF; added to Zotero library. To be posted on the blog once the summary is ready. @ericthrift Hi Eric, I have not finished this one. I do not work this week because I have a presentation for Derek on Tuesday. I am planning to work on this one next week. 2022-03-04: Waiting for updated appendix table (export figures) from Tara. @waewinkhaing Hi Wae Win, do you have a summary for this one as well? @ericthrift -- Got it, thank you! I will start working on them from Monday. 2022-02-11: @waewinkhaing -- please create a summary document. See the instructions under the Myanmar consumption survey. 2022-01-13: Follow-up exchange between Eric and Tara. The May 02 version (with copy-edits by Steven) can be considered final. Requested citation checks on p. 9, p. 10, and table 3 as noted in the comments. Suggested releasing the report in the first week of February; offered to write a 1-2 page lay summary for the blog if Tara does not have time; proposed a 45-minute presentation (25-minute presentation of the report followed by 15-20 minutes discussion). 2022-01-12: @ericthrift check with Tara. Himani was asking about the report, but we're not sure if Tara is still working on it? This was returned to Tara and Himani 2021-03-09 with a request from Derek for some minor revisions. 2021-05-02: (UPDATED): Edited report returned by Tara. "As Steven Smelz starts working on this draft I will also give it a complete reading. I am sure Himani will also find some time to read the draft." Derek responded that the report should not require further substantive revisions. 2021-09-08. With TARA for revision; working on the report. 2021-05-10: Zotero references checked/added by Steven Smeltz; text copyedited based on version from Tara. Still need to insert some missing citations DFM_RPT_GUJ-policy-review_copyedits-SS_2021-06-04.docx 2021-03-09: Returned to authors with comments by Derek:
DFM_RPT_GUJ-policy-review_comments-DJ_2021-06-07.docx 2020-12-03: Draft (“reworked paper”) received from Tara Nair DFM_RPT_GUJ-policy-review_2020-03-27.docx 2020-01-12: First draft |
2021-12-30 | |
DFM Gujarat field survey compilation |
2022-03-31 | |
DFM Gujarat report on the rapid survey on dried fish value chains in Gujarat |
2022-01-18: Email update from Tara. Setback due to COVID but the report preparation is on track.
2022-01-10: Email from Tara -- "The scoping surveys in Gujarat are all over. Currently, data entry is going on. I will mail the progress reports in a couple of days." 2021-02-22: Reviewed by Derek DFM_RPT_GUJ_Jafrabad-Note-based-on-rapid-scoping-study-pilot_DJ.docx 2021-02-18: Jafrabad rapid scoping research completed; field report submitted. DFM_RPT_GUJ_Jafrabad-Note-based-on-rapid-scoping-study-pilot.docx |
2022-03-31 |
DFM Gujarat report on value chain financing of dried fish |
2022-11-30 | |
DFM Gujarat financing survey compilation |
2022-11-30 | |
DFM Gujarat report on consultative workshop on Dried Fish in Gujarat |
2022-12-30 |