Partner year-end reporting guideline

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Revision as of 15:03, 12 January 2022 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Updated the guideline to reflect that, with our corrected contracts, only academic institutions now need to submit the F300.)

All DFM partner organizations should prepare financial statements at the end of each fiscal year (ending March 31). Please submit these reports as listed below by mid-April. Let us know if you have any questions about the forms or the eligibility of specific expenses/contributions.

Expenses and Balance Statement

For internal accounting, we request that all partner organizations who have received DFM grant funds send us a spreadsheet with a basic statement of expenses and balance of funds remaining as of March 31.

  • Expenses can be consolidated where appropriate; for example, list the total amount paid to each Research Assistant in the 12-month period ending March 31, rather than the amount and date of each individual payment.
  • For field research, list a single amount for meals and accommodations on one line for each trip, briefly indicating the number of people and days in the field.
  • Equipment and supplies should be itemized if possible.

Financial Statement (F300)

Download form

This SSHRC financial reporting spreadsheet must be completed and submitted by Partnership Grant partner institutions at the end of each fiscal year.

  • CANADIAN partner organizations and ACADEMIC partner organizations OUTSIDE CANADA will submit a copy of this document to us at the University of Manitoba.
  • NON-ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS OUTSIDE CANADA (VSS, DFYWA, NAG, Dakshin Foundation, CEPA) do not need to complete this form, but should send us the itemized account/balance statement described above.

Eligible expenses

Please ensure that all expenses you list are eligible under the terms of our grant.

  • In general, direct costs for the research are admissible (e.g., travel and subsistence, purchase of equipment and supplies that are not already available at your institution, translation, research assistant salaries, etc.).
  • You are NOT allowed to claim salary costs for Co-Investigators, hospitality and entertainment expenses, or indirect costs (e.g., administrative overhead, medical insurance, standard office equipment and furniture, administrative/management charges and fees).
  • See SSHRC Guideline: Eligible expenses.

Completing the form

  • Only use expense categories 1-8. DO NOT use lines 9-11.
  • Line 6, “materials, supplies and other expenditures”, should be the “catch all” line for items that do not fit anywhere else.

Partner Contribution Statement

Download form

We are expected to match approximately one-third of the SSHRC funding for DFM through in-kind contributions from partner organizations. ALL partner organizations should submit a copy of this document directly to us at the University of Manitoba, documenting any cash and in-kind contributions to the project they have made over the past fiscal year.

  • All contributions should directly support the Dried Fish Matters project research, and must NOT have been paid for using SSHRC grant funds.
  • Please refer to the guideline for a list of examples of what may and may not be included as contributions: SSHRC Guideline: Examples of cash and in-kind contributions.