Scoping status DFYWA
Collaborating Investigator
Arjilli Dasu
Transfer of Funds Agreement
- TOR/DFM_TOR_DFYWA_Scoping-TFA_2019-11-19_EXECUTED.pdf
- TOR/DFM_TOR_DFYWA_Scoping-TFA-revised-schedule_2020-02-06_rev00.docx
- TOR/DFM_TOR_DFYWA_Scoping-TFA-revised-schedule_2020-06-25_rev01.docx
- TOR/DFM_TOR_DFYWA_Scoping-TFA-Schedule-B_2019-11-19_EXECUTED.pdf
Date | Title | Status |
2019-11-30 | Transfer 1/3 | COMPLETE |
2020-04-15 | Transfer 2/3 | COMPLETE |
2020-10-15 | Transfer 3/3 |
Deliverable | Workflow status | Date |
DFYWA Research plan for the study on fishmeal sector impacts on dried fish value chain actors (View | Edit) |
DFYWA Fishmeal and dried fish in Andhra Pradesh report (View | Edit) |
DFYWA Popular summary in Telugu and English (View | Edit) |
DFYWA Data sharing (View | Edit) |
? | |
DFYWA Visual documentation (View | Edit) |
See email correspondence on the chain "DFYWA report". 2021-09-06: Derek's comments
I really appreciate you sending the summary and the wonderful photos that capture so many aspects of the value chain and its human dimensions. I particularly like the photo of you smiling at the harbour!
I would like to add some of the photos to the report to enhance its impact. We may direct some clarifying questions to you to ensure that we have interpreted the photos correctly, but will try to keep such requests to a minimum. We will also forward you the illustrated version of the report for approval.
If Covid permits us to meet again in the coming months, I would love to talk through some of the photos with you. We will make the photos available to the DFM team and will ensure that they get appropriate attribution if they are used.
I accept the annexure as satisfying the methodological deliverable.
We will proceed to arrange the final transfer this week. There will be a small amount of paperwork to complete to conclude the contract. Eric will let you know the details about that.
We will keep you posted about ongoing DFM activities and will invite you to discussions of the project’s second phase when they pick up over the course of the next year. I sincerely hope that DFYWA can overcome the challenges the organization has faced over the past 18 months and resume its important work. If you think DFM could mobilize its network to help in any way, please let us know.