From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 12:45, 5 November 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Copied from Wikimedia Commons)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Core/doc
--[[ __ __ _ _ ____ | \/ | ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ / ___|___ _ __ ___ | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ (_) | / _ \| '__/ _ \ | | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | | __/_| |__| (_) | | | __/ |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___(_)\____\___/|_| \___| Core is a meta-module that consists of common and useful Lua functions that can be used in many Lua scripts. It was writen as a core of several Lua modules for creating file infobox templates on Commons. Many of the functions are bare-bones versions of full functions found in other modules. Authors and maintainers: * User:Jarekt ]] local core = {} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ Based on frame structure create "args" table with all the input parameters: * table keys - equivalent to template parameters are converted to lower case so they will not be case-sensitive. Also underscored are treated the same way as speces. * table values - input values are trimmed (whitespaces removed from the beggining and the end) and empty string are converted to nils. If "lang" is not provided than we substitute user's prefered language. This function collects inputs from both frame and frame's parent. See . If both structures have the same field than value from "frame" takes priority. Inputs: 1) frame - frame objects see below for details See also: Module:Arguments on enWiki - which is much larger single purpose module ]] function core.getArgs(frame) local function normalize_input_args(input_args, output_args) for name, value in pairs( input_args ) do value = mw.text.trim(value) -- trim whitespaces from the beggining and the end of the string if value ~= '' then -- nuke empty strings if type(name)=='string' then name = string.gsub( string.lower(name), ' ', '_') end output_args[name] = value end end return output_args end local args = {} args = normalize_input_args(frame:getParent().args, args) args = normalize_input_args(frame.args, args) if (args.lang and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(args.lang)) then args.lang = string.lower(args.lang) else args.lang = frame:callParserFunction("int","lang") -- get user's chosen language end return args end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ Simplified code equivalent to Example usage: text = langSwitch({en='text in english', pl='tekst po polsku'}, lang) Inputs: 1: args - table with translations by language 2: lang - desired language (often user's native language) Outputs: 1: label - returned label 2: lang - language of the label (langSwitchWithLang only) ]] function core.langSwitchWithLang(args, lang) local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang) table.insert(langList,1,lang) for i,language in ipairs(langList) do if args[language] then return args[language], language end end end function core.langSwitch(args, lang) local label, lang = core.langSwitchWithLang(args, lang) return label end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ display a language followed by a message. Like "English: Hello" with extensive HTML marking Code equivalent to Inputs: 1) text_lang - language code for the above text, also used as a name of the CSS formating class 2) text - description text to display 3) args - additional optional arguments. Numbers in perenthesis are parameter numbers in the original template. * hover - (3) hover aka mouseover aka tooltip text * lang_tag - (4) standard code for lang tag in HTML (optional, default is same as text_lang) * ext - (5) extension text shown after the language name before colon (optional, default is empty) * inline - Optional, default is false. When set to true, forces the template to be displayed inline, so that it does not break the current paragraph (that makes possible to put several descriptions side by side on a single line) ]] function core.langWrapper(text_lang, text, args) local dir, space, colon, lang_name, hover local inline = core.yesno(args.inline, false) and 'inline' or nil if mw.language.isKnownLanguageTag(text_lang) then -- supported language local langObj = text_lang ) dir = langObj:getDir() -- text direction space = "Word-separator" ):inLanguage(text_lang):plain() colon = "Colon" ):inLanguage(text_lang):plain() hover = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( text_lang, args.user_lang or 'en') lang_name = mw.language.fetchLanguageName( text_lang, text_lang) lang_name = langObj:ucfirst(lang_name) else -- unsuported language local RTL_LUT = {['fa-af']=1, prd=1, ydd=1} dir = (RTL_LUT[text_lang]==1 or text_lang:gsub('-arab', '')~=text_lang) and 'rtl' or 'ltr' space = ' ' colon = ':' hover = args.hover lang_name = text_lang or 'Unknown' end lang_name = args.lang_name or lang_name-- user provided args.lang_name takes presedent lang_name = '<b>' .. lang_name .. (args.ext or '') .. colon .. '</b>' -- create HTML local ltag = mw.html.create('span') -- bold language name string :addClass('language') -- class: "language" :addClass(text_lang) -- class: "en", "de" etc. :attr('title', hover) -- add hover aka mouseover aka tooltip text :wikitext(lang_name) local dtag = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('description') -- div.description is tracked by mw:Extension:CommonsMetadata :addClass('mw-content-'..dir) -- mw-content-rtl and mw-content-ltr are defined in mediawiki-code ( :addClass(text_lang) -- not sure where "en", "de" etc. are defined :attr('dir', dir) :attr('lang', text_lang) :css('display', inline) :wikitext(tostring(ltag) .. space .. text) return tostring(dtag) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ Function allowing for consistent treatment of boolean-like wikitext input. Inputs: 1) val - value to be evaluated, outputs as a function of values: true : true (boolean), 1 (number), or strings: "yes", "y", "true", "1" false : false (boolean), 0 (number), or strings: "no", "n", "false", "0" 2) default - value to return otherwise See Also: It works similarly to Module:Yesno ]] function core.yesno(val, default) if type(val) == 'boolean' then return val elseif type(val) == 'number' then val = tostring(val) end if type(val) == 'string' then local LUT = { yes=true , y=true , ['true'] =true , t=true , ['1']=true , on =true, no =false, n=false, ['false']=false, f=false, ['0']=false, off=false } val = LUT[mw.ustring.lower(val)] -- put in lower case if (val~=nil) then return val end end return default end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ Read Commons dataset and look for message identified by a "key" in a language "lang". See editAtWikidata for an example. It uses Inputs: 1) dataset - name of commons page in "data" namespace. for example "I18n/" for c:Data:I18n/ 2) key - which message to pull 3) lang - desired language of the message Output: message as a string ]] function core.formatMessage(dataset, key, lang) for _, row in pairs(, lang).data) do local id, msg = unpack(row) if id == key then return mw.message.newRawMessage(msg):plain() end end error('Invalid message key "' .. key .. '"') end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ Assembles the "Edit at Wikidata" pen icon with a link to Wikidata page or specific property and returns it as wikitext string. Inputs: 1) entityID - wikidata entity object for a given page (output of wikibase.getEntity( id )) 2) propertyID - string like 'P31' so the link will point to that specific property. Use "" to link to the whole page. 3) lang - language of the "Edit at Wikidata" message Dependencies: Data:I18n/ See Also: en:Module:EditAtWikidata ]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function core.editAtWikidata(entityID, propertyID, lang) local msg = core.formatMessage('I18n/', 'EditAtWikidata', lang) local link = '' .. entityID .. (propertyID == "" and "" or ("#" .. propertyID)) return " [[File:OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg |frameless |text-top |10px |alt="..msg.."|link=""|"..msg.."]]" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ Assembles the "Edit at SDC" pen icon with a link to a property in SDC part of the current file page, and returns it as wikitext string. Inputs: 2) propertyID - string like 'P31' so the link will point to that specific property. Use 'ooui-php-4' to link to the label section. 3) lang - language of the "Edit at Wikidata" message Dependencies: Data:I18n/ See Also: en:Module:EditAtWikidata ]] function core.editAtSDC(propertyID, lang) local msg = core.formatMessage('I18n/', 'EditAtSDC', lang) local link = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():fullUrl() .. (propertyID == "" and "" or ("#" .. propertyID)) return " [[File:OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg |frameless |text-top |10px |alt="..msg.."|link=""|"..msg.."]]" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ This function returns a label translated to desired language, created based on wikidata Code equivalent to require("Module:Wikidata label")._getLabel Inputs: 1: item - wikidata's item's q-id or entity class 2: userLang - desired language of the label ]] function core.getLabel(item, userLang) local label, link -- build language fallback list local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(userLang) table.insert(langList, 1, userLang) -- get label for _, lang in ipairs(langList) do -- loop over language fallback list looking for label in the specific language label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(item, lang) if label then break end -- label found and we are done end label = label or item -- fallback value -- get link for _, lang in ipairs(langList) do -- loop over language fallback list looking for label in the specific language link = mw.wikibase.getSitelink(item, lang .. 'wiki') if link then link = mw.ustring.format('w:%s:%s', lang, link) break end end link = link or 'd:'..item -- fallback value -- look for description local desc = mw.wikibase.getDescription(item) if desc then -- add description if we have one desc = mw.text.nowiki(desc) -- add description as hover text label = '<span title="' .. desc .. '">' .. label .. '</span>' end return '[[''|'..label..']]' end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ Core component of many "get property value" functions Example: (core.parse_statements(entity:getBestStatements( prop ), nil) or {nil})[1] would return the first best statement Inputs: 1: statements - can be provided by: * entity:getBestStatements( prop ) * entity:getAllStatements( prop ) * mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( item, prop ) * mw.wikibase.getAllStatements( item, prop ) 2: lang - language code (like "en"), if provided than item IDs will be changed to a label Output: * table of strings or nil ]] function core.parseStatements(statements, lang) local output = {} for _, statement in ipairs(statements) do if (statement.mainsnak.snaktype == "value") and (statement.rank ~= 'deprecated') then local val = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value if then val = if lang ~= nil then val = core.getLabel(val, lang) end elseif val.text then val = val.text elseif val.amount then val = tonumber(val.amount) end table.insert(output, val) end end if #output==0 then return nil end return output end return core