Working Group 3: Policy, Governance, and Development

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Revision as of 13:41, 4 February 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs)

DFM Working Group 3 investigates policy, governance, and development connections to dried fish value chains.

Detail on the theoretical approach and methods are provided in the DFM WG3 Guiding document.

Action items

Meeting of January 14, 2021

The Working Group discussed the Guiding Document prepared by Emdad, focusing on the logistics of research building on the work of the Research Teams.

  • Derek and Emdad will meet to discuss next steps in RA-supported work.
    • Extended an offer of employment to Mahed Choudhury, PhD student at the Natural Resources Institute, who will work with Emdad on activities related to WG3.
    • SRA work plan to be presented at the next WG3 meeting.
  • Eric will get status updates on outstanding governance reviews from the Research Teams and request urgent submission. The governance reviews will support a synthesis study by the Working Group.
  • Derek will formalize a plan for MARE contributions and solicit comments by email.
    • Draft proposals are posted on the page MARE conference 2021.
    • The deadline for submissions to the conference organizing committee has been extended to 12 February, 2021. Comments should be provided to Derek by FEBRUARY 5.
  • Prateep will develop a survey to be sent out to Research Teams, intended to gather data supporting a MARE conference contribution on policy, governance, and development.
  • The Working Group will reconvene in a month or so.