From DFM Wiki
This page lists resources related to Atlas.ti for DFM members.
- Help:Atlas.ti quickstart provides a very brief introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis and getting started with Atlas.ti, with further elaboration in the first video tutorial below.
- Documentation for the current version of Atlas.ti Web is available at
- See Help:Coding strategies in Atlas.ti, illustrated in the second video tutorial below.
- Results of the group coding activity at the June 2021 workshop are presented on the page Atlas.ti workshop sample coding; the corresponding interview transcripts are Cambodia scoping interview 03 and Cambodia scoping interview 06.
- Help:QDA best practices provides a few recommendations for successful coding, building on the June 2021 workshop.
- DFM Memo: QDA software and support gives an overview of the project-level strategy on QDA tools and support
Video tutorials
Getting started with Atlas.ti web
This 20-minute tutorial provides an overview of the key features of Atlas.ti Web (as of May 2021).
Coding strategies
This 30-minute tutorial introduces deductive and inductive coding strategies, from our Atlas.ti coding workshop.