DFM WG2 Themes
From DFM Wiki
Working Group 2 sub-themes
1. Macro-level spatial and socio-economic patterns of consumption
- How important is DF for FNS, and for whom?
- How are patterns of consumption changing?
- What are the consequences of those changes?
- What is driving changes?
2. Qualitative analysis of complexities of social position, culture, meaning, preferences
- What meanings do people give to dried fish?
- How are those meanings changing?
- What are intra-household patterns in consumption?
- How do preferences vary by generation?
3. Changing contextual conditions and utilization shifts in dried fish
- How are changing patterns of price, supply, technology, and preference affecting consumption?
- To what degree is there a shift from indirect to direct patterns of dried fish use?
- Is indirect use of dried fish for fish meal leading to access and nutrition problems?
- Is dried fish supply shifting to fresh fish supply?
4. Nutrient and contaminant analysis
- How does dried fish compare nutritionally to other food items?
- How does processing affect nutritional quality of fish?
- Do nutritional and contaminant qualities of dried fish vary across space? If so, why?
5. Nutrition intervention strategies
- How can dried fish contribution to nutrition improvement and supplementation strategies?
- What institutional and/or policy interventions could increase availability and quality of dried fish?
- How can market incentives be mobilized?
- How can initiatives for the poor be enhanced?