Template:Newsletter footer
From DFM Wiki
Revision as of 14:23, 22 September 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Created footer for generated internal email newsletter.)
This newsletter is produced by the Dried Fish Matters Partnership Grant, supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
The information included in this email comes from the following channels.
- Calendar
- To add DFM events to your personal calendar application (e.g., Outlook), please import our iCalendar file. New DFM meetings and events will then show up automatically in your schedule. To submit a new event, please send the details and/or a calendar invitation to dried.fish.matters@umanitoba.ca.
- Zotero library
- All DFM reports and publications -- including newsletters and Working Papers -- are currently stored in the Dried Fish Matters Zotero group library. DFM members should have access to this library and should be able to add or change items within it. See Help:Zotero web library for instructions on getting started. Items added to the collection *DFM Reports and publications are automatically shared to our project bibliography.
- Blog
- Our public-facing website is managed by DFM Central and includes summary information about the project, including news about reports and events, for a wide audience. Blog posts are also shared to our Twitter account.
- DFM Wiki
- This is the main platform for project working documents. Working papers, reference documents, etc. are available here for internal discussion and, where appropriate, contributions from people outside the project. The wiki is accessible on the web but not "public" in the sense that it is unlisted by search engines. To create an account and edit documents on the wiki, see Help:Getting started. Recently created pages in the are listed in this newsletter.
- Currently there are 430 pages and 1,049 media files (images, etc.) in the DFM wiki, with a total of 4,732 edits by 57 users. Contributions are welcome!