DFM Sri Lanka scoping report

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Terms of reference

A 50-60 page scoping report, including (but not limited to) the following elements:

  • Map/s and lists identifying key geographical locations for each value chain segment
  • Lists of species dried (with local and scientific names) and types of product
  • Detailed descriptions of the fisheries from which these originate
  • Detailed descriptions of the methods used to process fish
  • Detailed descriptions of various types of trader and their practices
  • Detailed descriptions of the practices of retailers and the behavior of consumers who purchase from them
  • Estimates of volumes of dried fish products produced and traded
  • Estimates of numbers of actor (disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, etc.) in each segment of the chain
  • Analysis of the socioeconomic context that shapes dried fish production and consumption.
  • Analysis of how numbers of actors/volumes of dried fish/dried fish prices have changed within the past decade.
  • Analysis of drivers of change and perceptions of major threats and opportunities facing the sector.