DFM Sri Lanka Key Zone identification study

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Terms of reference

  • This report should summarize the information provided by the Directors of Fisheries; should include an overview of known information about each of the key sites.




Identification of Key Zones was done with the assistance of Assistant Directors (ADs) of Fisheries, who are the representatives of the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development for each of the fifteen Fisheries districts of Sri Lanka. This report compiles responses from a structured questionnaire, which included questions on the following: Major fish production areas; Major dried fish producing sites; Volume of Production of dry fish by type; Number of households involved in dried fish production; Distribution of employment in dried fish production (disaggregated by gender and work category); Fish marketing channels and the type and number of traders serving each location; Location and number of wholesale centers; Type and number of state and non-state institutions (civil society organisations, community organisations, women’s organisations) engaged in the sector; Key issues faced by the dried fish producers of the district; Changes over the last 10 years, in respect of volumes of production, locations, technology, marketing, etc.


DFM Working Papers


Sri Lanka Key Zone identification study

short title

Sri Lanka Key Zone Study




Oscar Amarasinghe


SSHRC CRSH logo.svg

This work draws on research supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.