Scoping status APU

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Revision as of 16:52, 3 August 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Created monitoring page with status update from Amal.)
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Collaborating Investigator
Amalendu Jyotishi (Azim Premji Foundation)
Transfer of Funds Agreement


Type Title Date Status
Transfer of funds Transfer 1/2 2020-06-30 COMPLETE
Transfer of funds Transfer 2/2 2021-04-30
Deliverable Report on the review of secondary data and literature review of dried fish in Karnataka 2020-11-30 IN PROGRESS
Deliverable Results of literature review on Zotero online reference database 2021-12-31 IN PROGRESS
Deliverable Pilot visits and survey of the dried fish production and wholesale markets in Karnataka, India 2020-09-25
Deliverable Revised DFM interview guides prepared for application to specific context of Karnataka and specific interests of Karnataka team 2020-10-15
Deliverable Scoping report 2020-10-30
Deliverable Compilation of interviews 2021-07-31
Deliverable Stakeholder workshops (x3) 2021-07-10
Deliverable Visual documentation 2021-12-31
Deliverable Master’s thesis research 2021-06-30
Deliverable Published outputs 2021-12-31


See APU_ACT_Provisional-Expenses-INR_July 2021.xlsx

Update from Amal, 2021-07-28

First, the pandemic situation has hampered quite a part of our (the Investigators) field visit. Though we have managed significant data collection despite that, we as investigators (ie. myself, Prof, Bhatta and Priya) barely utilise the budget for field expenses. Secondly, originally, our project was supposed to end by December 2021. Given that the second installment of money would be released only after July, we will have limited time to spend the amount of money reasonably working towards the project. In other words, we would need the project period to be extended (perhaps by 6 months) to meaningfully utilise the fund. Third, I understand we have budgeted the expenses on different headings. While on some headings we were able to utilise the fund, on some others we could not due to the prevailing restrictions of pandemic. I hope you would be fine and flexible if we reallocate the budget from one heading to the other. Fourth, as you would remember in the initial conversation with the Karnataka team, we had a much higher budget to start with. However, later due to FCRA rules and our inability to take more money in the project through APF, a number of budgeted expenses were removed. For example, we have not budgeted for the overhead. We have also not budgeted a bit of honorarium that we initially thought to have for Prof. Bhatta, Priya and myself. Some of these expenses are now reflected in our in-kind contribution. Of course we have not included Prof. Bhatta and Priya's time as they are not part of our organisation. We may separately discuss those possibilities. The below email from Sevi will provide you a snapshot of our budget, expenses and cofunding.     

In general, despite all adversities of the pandemic, we have managed to collect significant and important data and progressed reasonably well in the project. In the DFM-Karnataka team meeting held on 10th July we discussed a few deliverables and set a timeline for those. We are also planning and inclined to share Karnataka preliminary findings sometimes in the later half of August. We also intend to conduct two dissemination workshops in Mangalore and Karwar with the stakeholders, sometime in November. In addition, we intend to hire Prasanna (that Derek would know) as a Research Associate, formally in the DFM project. His formal presence would aid the project in data analysis (from 3 rounds of survey). I hope, by August we will be able to receive the second installment of the funding to facilitate the hiring and other expenses.