Scoping status BAU

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Revision as of 15:22, 3 August 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Added links to reports)
Collaborating Investigator
Dr. Mostafa Hossain (Bangladesh Agricultural University)
Transfer of Funds Agreement


type title date status
Transfer of funds Scoping 1/3 2019-09-15 COMPLETE
Transfer of funds Scoping 2/3 2020-04-05 COMPLETE
Transfer of funds Scoping 3/3 2020-10-05 PENDING
Deliverable Local literature database 2020-02-21 IN PROGRESS
Deliverable Policy inventory and gap analysis report 2020-03-28
Deliverable Local literature review report 2020-04-16 DRAFT
Deliverable Key locations report 2020-05-06 DRAFT
Deliverable Plan for pilot interventions 2020-06-07
Deliverable Thematic codebook 2020-11-19
Deliverable Online database of field records 2020-11-19
Deliverable Report on food security and nutrition 2020-06-30
Deliverable Maps of dried fish value chains sites 2021-01-15
Deliverable Scoping report 2021-02-12
Deliverable Online database of dried fish and fish species 2020-09-24
Deliverable Illustrated book on dried fish 2020-09-24


Bangladesh local literature database

DFM Bangladesh policy inventory and gap analysis report

  • Not yet started?

DFM Bangladesh literature review

DFM Bangladesh key locations report