Scoping status CESS

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Revision as of 14:57, 3 August 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Condensed activities table)
Collaborating Investigator
Dr. Jeena Thathamath Srinivasan (Centre for Economic and Social Studies, India)
Transfer of Funds Agreement


type title date status
Transfer of funds Scoping 1/3 2019-09-15 COMPLETE
Transfer of funds Scoping 2/3 2020-04-15 COMPLETE
Transfer of funds Scoping 3a/3 2020-10-15 PENDING
Transfer of funds Scoping 3b/3 (final installment) TBA
Deliverable Report on the secondary data analysis 2020-06-20 IN PROGRESS
Deliverable Report on the primary data analysis by CESS 2020-10-24 IN PROGRESS
Deliverable Report on value chains including the retail segment 2021-05-03 IN PROGRESS
Deliverable Field Survey on value chains including the retail segment 2021-05-03 IN PROGRESS
Deliverable A report or a chapter for Andhra Pradesh 2021-02-08 SCHEDULED