DFM Calendar
From DFM Wiki
The table below lists upcoming meetings, workshops, conferences and panels, webinars, or other events organized by DFM.
YYYY-MM | Date | Category | Event name | Description |
2021-02 | Feb 01 (20:00 CST) | Meeting | DFM WG 1 Meeting: Social Economy | Planning of WG 1 research priorities. Research Teams are requested to:
2021-02 | Feb 16 & 16 | Workshop | Small Fish Seminar | Public workshop co-sponsored by DFM on the theme "Small Low-cost Fish: From Bait to Plate". Please follow the link to learn more about the workshop and to register. |
2021-03 | TBA (late March or early April) | Research webinar | DFM webinar from Karnataka team | Presentation by the DFM Karnataka team on their approach to data collection, challenges and protocols during COVID time, questionnaire development and preliminary high-level descriptive characteristics of our data and some salient observations from the two rounds of the survey. |
2021-03 | TBA | Training webinar | Introduction to QDA, part I: Introductory webinar | Draft program: Introduction to QDA; Navigating Atlas.ti cloud |
2021-03 | TBA | Training webinar | Introduction to QDA, part II: Coding workshop | Draft program: Codebooks and coding strategies; Thematic coding practice; Analytic coding practice; Homework assignment: coding a model dataset |
2021-04 | TBA | Training webinar | Introduction to QDA, part III: Analysis and data sharing | Draft program: Inter-coder agreement and refining the codebook; Exploring quotes and reports; Collaborative analysis |
2021-06 | June 28 to July 2 | Conference | MARE conference | DFM is organizing several roundtables and joint panels. |