IMBeR panel

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Revision as of 09:37, 13 July 2021 by EricThrift (talk | contribs) (Uploaded copy of the draft call for expressions of interest)
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Session title Dried Small Fish: Ecology, Value Chains and Nutrition
Date TBA (IMBeR workshop is Nov. 22-25)
Venue Online
Length 90 minutes with 5 minute coffee break (85 minutes)


  • Introduction (10 min)
  • Presentations from:
    • East Asia (15 min)
    • South-East Asia (15 min)
  • Coffee break (5 min)
    • South Asia (15 min)
  • Discussant (10 min)
  • Audience questions (20 min)

Call for expressions of interest

Dried, fermented and pickled small fish constitute important aquatic food products, meeting the animal protein needs of many households in Asia, and providing livelihoods to millions of small-scale fishers, processors and traders. Processed small fish provides essential micronutrients in people’s diets and is a significant component of Asian cultures and cuisines. The availability of small pelagic fish, such as anchovy and sardine, to producers, traders and consumers is linked with the ecology of these species. The patterns of movement of these fish species in the West Pacific and Indian oceans are increasingly shaped by human impacts (stressors) on the ocean, such as climate change. This session seeks to engage in a multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary dialogue on the links among ecology, value chains and nutrition related to small fish, used for drying and other forms of processing, in a changing marine environment. Expressions of interest are invited from natural scientists working on ecology and nutrition of small fish (e.g. anchovy, sardine) in the West Pacific and Indian oceans, as well as social scientists working on dried/processed small fish value chains in East, Southeast and South Asia. Abstract selection will be guided by the openness to present within multi-disciplinary, sub-regional groups.